Chapter 9 (Edited)

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Chapter 9

Marnie was just about ready to plate up the scrambled eggs and bacon for the adults and Toast and Preserve for Henry when they all came walking in. First was Nick and then Marianne and Henry followed behind, hand in hand. She smiled glad to see that his mother and brother were treating him well, seemingly coping with Henry's regression from 37 to 3. Nicki pulled out a seat and settled his mother then settled Henry before taking a seat himself. Once seated Marnie placed the food in front of both Adults. She chuckled at Henry who was pouting at the toast placed in front of him looking from both his brother's and mother's plates then up at Marnie as he said with a deep sad voice "Cans I pweese has some egg Miss Ma " ruffling his hair she looked into his big blue eyes and said "Ok pumpkin, I can get you some eggs but you will need help eating it ok" a smile lifted at the corners of his handsome face as he said "Otay"

Breakfast went smoothly as Marianne and Nicki helped Henry eat his breakfast, It really warmed her heart seeing the love that was showered on him. Once they ate the quite conversation turned to the matter at hand and Marnie sat quietly as Nick focused the conversation "We do have pressing needs that mean we will need to get moving pretty quickly. Henry I believe you have a question you want to ask Miss Marnie?" she watched Henry's now sticky face smeared with strawberry preserve light up at his question. Pushing back from the table his 6ft frame moved quickly around to her chair as he knelt in front of her. Giggling he grabbed her hand in his sticky one and turned his big blue eyes squarely on her, then asked in a serious deep tone, "Miss Ma, I oud wike to ask ouuu if ouu ould wike to come live wif me. If ouu ould wike to be my new mummy?"

The sweetness in the way he asked had Marnie's eyes misting with unshed tears. The reaction made Henry furrow his brow and ask "Dids I make Miss Ma sawd?" Reaching a hand to the side of his head trying to avoid the sticky mess, she ran her thumb along his cheekbone. His head relaxed into her hand as she replied "no pumpkin, you made me feel really happy. Sometimes I cry when I am happy. I would love to come live with you and be your new mummy but how about you call Marianne Mummy, and you can just call me Ma? Do you like that?" His eyes lit up and he started to bounce on his knees "Yes I wike dat I call oouu Ma." He then did something Marnie was not expecting, his large frame pushed up and wrapped his large arms around her in a big hug and then landed a big sticky slobbery kiss on her cheek.

In her shock, it took a moment to register the laughter that was emanating from the other adults sitting at the table. Then the feeling of strawberry preserved that was now smeared on her cheek and clothes "Ohh Pumpkin we need to get you cleaned up, and I think I need to as well." The laughter followed her and Henry as they walked down the hallway to the bathroom. She sat Henry down on the toilet seat and grabbed a washcloth wetting it with warm water before lifting his face to hers. She could not help laughing at this large grown Man sporting a goofy grin looking up at her as she washed the preserve off his face and hands. It was the happiest she had seen him look since he was found out the front of her place two days earlier. "You are so cheeky Pumpkin; can you clean my face for me?" she sat on the edge of the bath and watched tenderly as Henry's face changed to one of concentration as he tenderly wiped her cheek clean. On the last touch, he looks directly at her and said "der sticky all gone, now da pwincess is all pwitty again"

She really could not help the deep butterflies that swirled around her stomach at those words. Carefully she leaned forward and gave him a gentle kiss on the lips and whispered, "thank you my prince" She watched as a deep blush coloured his cheeks. Ready to avoid any more awkwardness she stood and reached her hand out to help him to his feet. "All right my boy its time to do some organising are you ready to help me?" shaking his head to clear the surprise, his giggle returned as he replied "Otay Ma"

The morning was spent with Henry sitting on the floor playing with his block whilst Marnie sorted through what clothes to bring. Nick had taken her car out first thing and Marianne was helping her work out what items she needed and what she could leave for her return. Nick returned later that afternoon handing her keys back as he explained that her Jeep Wrangler had been fitted with a dark tint so that no paparazzi could see into the back of the vehicle. He had also replaced all the tires so that it would be ready for their trip. She was grateful for his thoughtfulness but slightly flustered that he had not told her what he was doing. The Jeep had been a safety purchase so she could drive Joshie around as her previous Mazda 121 was only a two-door and she could not have him in the front seat. Her last book sales had paid for the Jeep in full and it had filled her with pride being able to walk in and pay for a car outright.

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