Chapter 5 (Edited)

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Chapter 5

Joshie saw a big man sitting on his knees in front the blocks Aunty Manee had bought for him. Shyly Joshie stepped forward and knelt by the blocks. "Wat ya aking?" the older man looked up; his hand stilled, positioned just above a pile of blocks. The man's chin started to wobble, and Joshie smiled at him remembering that Aunty had said this man was younger than him. Hoping his smile would make him feel better he said in a happy voice "my names Josh, but aunty calls me Joshie, what's your name?" The bigger man's eye grew wide at the name and his wobbly chin changed to a Big Grin. "You Joshie, Miss Ma talk bout ouu all time. My ames Henwy" giggling Joshie beams back at Marne then turned back to the big man "so whacha builing?" bubbling with excitement now, the younger babbled a string of incoherent words finishing with "city".

Marnie sat watching the pair as they happily discussed where different buildings would go and what people lived in the buildings. Closing her eyes for just a moment she slipped into a light sleep. Giggling brought her senses back a deep giggle followed by a light chuckling then a whisper "uooo is wight Henwy she do wook ike an princess" more giggles then she felt her curls being tugged and a deep voice giggling "Seee even her hair wooks ike a pwinsess" her heart burst at the compliments the boys were giving her. Eyes shut she whispered so as not to scare the little ones "If I'm a princess I need a kiss from my princes." Soft lips landed on her cheek followed by another pair of slightly larger soft lips.

Lifting her lid's she saw the sparkle in their eyes as she proclaimed "Ahhh you have awakened me from my deep enchantment" Laughter rang around the room at her declaration. "Now this princess is hungry, how about I get the princes some dinner??" both heads nodded almost in synchronisation. She followed the giggling boys to the kitchen, headed to the stove checking on the spaghetti. It had cooled to just the right temperature for the boys. Grateful that they were getting along she started to plate the meals on the appropriate plates. Turning she saw that Joshie had remembered to go get his booster seat and was fixing it to his chair. Putting the plates in front of the boys she noticed that Henry had gone quiet.

Wondering what the matter was she knelt down at eye level, "Henry, what's the matter?" His big eyes swam as he whispered, "Where's my special seat?" looking at Joshie's booster she sighed this really was a full-time gig, reaching out she wiped a small tear from his cheek "Pumpkin, Joshie needs a seat because without it he won't be able to reach the table. If I put you in a booster seat your knees would hit the table and you would get an owie." the tears didn't stop with reason and Marnie remembering his words from the first night, that his girlfriend didn't want him because he was too big. She thought that maybe that had more to do with it than the seat itself. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Joshie slowly approach, "I sowry Henwy, but ouu cans have NeNe to cuddle he makes ouu feel betwer" taking the brown bear in his hands she watched as he clutched NeNe close to his chest.

Thanks to Joshies kindness Henry focused back on his dinner which Marnie ended up feeding him. That evening the two boys and Marnie snuggled on the couch, both boys had agreed on watching Winnie the Poo. Her arms full she cuddled them both until it was time for bed. They crowded in the bathroom brushing their teeth and changed into their nightclothes. Joshie was first he went to his room and got changed like a big boy. Then called Auntee Marnee to kiss him goodnight. Returning to her room she helped Henry into a clean diaper and night-time pyjamas that had horsed galloping across the pants. He snuggled into the duvet but as she went to leave he grabbed her hand and whispered "Pweese sweep wif me miss ma, I gets scawed at night. Da montas ome get me" the big blue eyes begged her so beautifully that she ended up giving in. "Ok pumpkin" she took her Pj's into the bathroom and changed. Moving into the now dark room she slipped under the covers. Thinking he was asleep she was startled when he rolled over and burrowed into her chest.

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