Chapter 24 (Edited)

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Chapter 24

Dr Nolans deep calming voice filled Henry's ears, "Henry, first thing can you visually see Marnie??" he looked through the bathroom door where he could see his princess picking up some bubbles in her hands, giggling she blew making them fly around her face. He had never seen her so relaxed, the carefree joy on her face made his eyes sting. Would she, could she ever be like that with him in big space? Dr Nolan's voice cut into his self-recrimination "Henry, Can you see her?" clearing his throat trying to get it to work he croaked out "Yes, she's playing bubbles in the bathtub" He heard an audible sigh, "that's good, don't take your eyes off her. Now I want you to take a few deep breaths, listen to your breathing and slow it down"

He sat on her bed, watching her play and breathed, the panic, the fear and the need to run depleted, a calm resting in his mind as she looked up and smiled at him. "Good Henry, that's good, now can you explain what has happened" Henry explained to the doctor, that after their last session he had taken his advice, that rather than waiting for her to return to go make sure she was ok, no matter how hurt he felt that she had not been there when he woke up. That on arrival all his frustration had disappeared as he had seen the chaos in the house. Instead, he was filled with fear, and worry that he had broken her. That she had sobbed in his arms, and he had taken her to bed to sleep. That on awaking she had been a little girl giggling and bouncing on his stomach.

It was as it had been described to Henry, the way he had been acting. "And she had been like that since you awoke this morning? There has been no indication that she is pretending?" he rubbed the back of his neck, "No I don't think she is pretending Doc, and it's really hard. I don't have Judith's number, and I have a vague memory of a friend called Heidi but again I have no way of contacting them. I'm scared I'm going to make a mistake, already she had painted the kitchen red with strawberry preserve in the 15min I left her alone. She is so affectionate and touchy my body is constantly fighting to control myself she looks like Ma, sounds like Ma but is not Ma. I'm scared what if I slip to from the stress." His breathing and heart rate picked up at all of the possible things that could go wrong.

Once again Dr Nolan's voice cut through his panic "Henry, just breath, it's going to be ok. First above all else, do not do anything sexual with her. I know you love her and that it might feel right but in little space, It might scare her and I know for sure that she will be pissed at you when she is big again if she remembers. Second, as you have already found out never leave her out of your sight she doesn't have the normal controls or common sense right now and that can be dangerous to her safety. Thirdly, remember what you loved doing, like colouring, watching cartoons, cuddling as Ma read you a story, blocks etc they are great things to do with her. Whilst you are doing that keep your eye out for her phone, charge it as I am sure it's flat by now. It should have face recognition, once you're in, call Judith to let her know what's happening. Ok, and hopefully while you are doing all that something will trigger her to come back to her right mind. If it's only been two weeks hopefully she won't be as stuck as you were. I have a break coming up in a few days, I was going to be heading that way on my holiday so I can drop in and have a chat with you and her. But until then above all, keep calm, and breath do you understand?"

The first thing to run through his mind was 'sure that's easy for you to say, your not staring at your princesses naked body right now' but instead he adjusted himself, breathed and said "sure, I got it" he signed off with his doc and walked into the bathroom. As he watched her play he noticed that her skin was getting goosebumps. Checking the water he realised it had gone cold whilst he had been on the phone, "Hey chicken, ready to hop out?" her teeth started to chatter as she looked up at him and nodded "Ahh Huu" Pulling out the plug he mentally repeated to himself "Breath, don't act just breath" as he helped her out of the bath he quickly wrapping her up in a large fluffy towel. "Prince, cans we watch my wittle pony?" chuckling his voice rumbled back "sure princess, would you like some milk to drink while you are watching? " She smiled and whispered "yeth pweese"

He helped her dress in some warm pyjamas and together they walked into the kitchen. Sitting her up on the stool again he made quick work of warming up some milk. As he did he marvelled at Ma's skills she had always made his milk taste so nice and smelling his offering he knew there was an ingredient missing. Filling the Sippy Cup, he turned and took Marnie's hand leading her to the couch. Every step he looked out for the phone, it wasn't until he turned back to the couch after setting up the TV that he noticing it poking out from under a cushion, breathing a sigh he picked it up. Dr Nolan had been right it was flat, looking around the room he noticed on a side table a cable for the phone. Plugging it in he then went back to Marnie.

As soon as he had sat down she had climbed into his lap picking up the Sippy Cup and snuggled as she turned her head to watch her program. He was holding her so intimately and yet he had to remind himself she was a little girl. It was ok until partway through the third episode she had started to squirm on his lap. Subconsciously he had hissed and let loose a groan before shifting his thoughts and wondered if she needed to go potty "Hey little girl, do you need to go potty?" she squirmed some more then pouted "Yeth, but I don wants to miss my show" he chuckled at her genuine worry "I know sweetheart, but we can pause it. So you won't miss your show but if you don't go now you will have an accident all over you and me and that won't be fun will it?"

Wide-eyed and lip trembling she had leapt from his lap causing him to groan again as she had elbowed him in his growing problem. Which had in turn helped the situation, she then ran to her bathroom Henry in hot pursuit Dr Nolans words ringing in his ears "don't ever leave her alone." Problem alleviated he walked her back to the living room. This time she had snuggled into his side as they watched Applejack and Rainbow dash having fun. Once again Henry tuned out what he was watching and focused the soft warm body in his arms. How many times over the last few months had he wanted no hoped she would give him some indication that she wanted more than just the platonic relationship they had.

Just thinking about her made him hard again, cringing and irritated that his body would not listen to him he let slip another groan as she snuck her hand around his waist hugging into his body. Her wide innocent eyes looked up at him as she said "Daddy do you have a owie?" his mind tried to understand what she meant, "what do you mean princess?" she frowned at his response and looked at his stomach "well, when I sat on ouu dis moning ouu made a owie noise, den when I sat on ouu just now, da same noise came out of your mouf. Is dis your owie?" caught by surprise he groaned even louder as she reached out and grabbed his now rigid member. Gritting his teeth he gently removed her hand, taking a breath he said with as much control as he could muster "sorry princess, but you can't touch my prince parts when you're little. That is an owie for a prince. " Her bottom lip quivered and tears pooled in her eyes "Is sowy daddy, I didn mean to huwt ouu"

The look on her face broke him, putting all other physical discomforts aside he lifted her in his arms and held her close. "don't cry princess, you didn't really hurt your prince. But unless I give permission you shouldn't touch that again ok? And definitely don't touch any other men there understand princess?" eyes glistening with tears she gave him a wobbly smile and said "otay" They sat for another episode of my little pony before he looked at the time, "okay princess time for lunch, would you like to help me pick out what to make? Slightly sleepy eyes looked back at him scrunching up her face as she said "I don want lunch daddy, I wans baba cause I'm sweepy" nodding he picked her up, thankful she was shorter and lighter than himself he was able to hold her on his hip whilst he made her a drink. The pair then went back to the bedroom, Henry laid her down tucking NeNe in her arms. She drank her drink then closed her eyes, leaning down he kissed her and walked out leaving her dreaming.

Grateful for the rest, Henry picked up the phone which was now charged. The screen was littered with multiple missed calls and texts mostly from Judith demanding to know where she was and why she was not returning her calls. As he went to put it down the screen flashed and the theme song from the Witcher began playing. Seeing who it was he answered "Hi Judith" 

A/N this has been a very hard week for my family, I'm sorry this took a few extra days to be published. As always I love comments and voting is awesome. Blessings Selah

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