Chapter 7 (Edited)

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A/N Sorry this is almost double my normal chapter-length but It just kept coming. Will resume normal-length next chapter :) The cute little one above belongs to a Tumblr follower she calls him Henry :) 

Chapter 7

Marnie awoke head feeling foggy, then she sprang up from the couch. Her mind now racing as she realised, she had fallen asleep and the boys were not on the couch with her. Spinning around she heard voices coming from the kitchen. Henry was currently telling someone "Miss Ma is the bestest pwinsess, see knows all da fun stuff an see scaws da monsta's away" a female voice responded "I know Henry, cause when I was a little girl she did the same thing for me. She really is the bestest" Her heart squeezed in her chests hearing her sisters voice, she had never heard her sister verbalise that she felt about her like that. They had lost their parents when Marnie was 18 and her sister had been 5. She had been given custody of her sister and a support worker had visited frequently to help the pair out.

She walked into the kitchen and saw the trio sitting at the table, the boys had chicken nuggets and carrot sticks on their plates. Walking up behind her sister she wrapped her arms around her resting her chin on her head, "Thanks for letting me sleep sis, and feeding the boys." Her sister chuckled as she looked up at her "I think these two gave you a run for your money today? I saw the wall in the living room." Breathing a sigh, she then chuckled at the boys "Yes, these two decided I needed more fun and pretty things in my living room. So colourful handprints are what they gifted me with." Both boys blushed before smiling at each other. Even if they got in a little trouble their plan had worked.

Looking at the clock she could see that it was already 7 pm, that gave her an hour before Henry's brother was to arrive. Grateful that her sister was here she asked, "Do you mind watching them for just another minute, I need to go strip Joshie's bed as we have guests arriving soon." At the mention of guests Henry's head snapped up and he eyed her, a worried expression filling his face. Her sister noticed the exchange, her mothing instinct kicked in, deciding to bring a change of topic she stood and reached into the art supply box tucked in the corner of the dining room "How about we do some colouring, and Henry, why don't you tell us some fun stuff you got up to with your brothers." Thankfully his attention diverted Marnie moved off to make up the room.

As the hour grew closer, Marnie had made up the guest bedroom, eaten and with the help of her sister had cleaned up the kitchen. The only thing that spoke to the fun they had had today was the masterpiece on her wall in the living room. Sitting down coffee in hand she smiled at her sister, the two boys were back at playing with the blocks and were deep in discussion when there was a knock at the door. Looking to Henry she was glad he was still distracted getting up she placed her coffee on the table and went to the door. Her feelings pooled in a confusing whirlwind in her stomach as she walked to the door, it wasn't that she had known Henry long enough that she should be so attached. Her protective side that had stirred at his arrival was also ringing alarm in her mind, would his family care for him in this state or just lock him up until he aged back to his true age, and what would happen if he didn't age up.

Taking a final breath, she reached for the door ready to go with what would be. There standing before her was a tall thin man who resembled Henry and a white-haired lady who was unmistakably his mother. They shared the same beautiful smile. Smiling at the pair she said "Hi, you must be Nick? Please, please come in" The couple smiled at her and walked past her into the hall. Nick smiled at Marnie and said with a warm voice "Hi Marnie, thank you for calling us. This is my mother Maryanne, Mother this is Marnie who found Henry" Maryanne's face grew sombre at the mention of Henry causing her to ask "Is he ok? Nick mentioned that he is not behaving in his usual mannerisms" wishing Heidi was here to help her explain she instead had to give a simplistic answer, "I think it would be best if you see Henry, to understand, but from what I have been able to learn from looking after him for the last two day is that he is currently in the mindset of a three-year-old. I have a friend who has dealt with age regression and she believes he will age up but for the moment I have been caring for him as if he was truly a three-year-old. He is in the living room with my sister and her four-year-old playing with block. How about we go there I know he will be ecstatic to see you both. Then we can sit down and talk it through." Sombre faced they nodded and followed her into the room.

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