Chapter Part 31

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Chapter 31

Large droplets trickled down his face, and yet the smile did not diminish. Judy could never understand how Joshie could enjoy the feel of rain on his skin or his love of dancing around the puddles as they formed on the ground. Wishing she somehow could also enjoy the childlike wonder she instead quickly made a beeline for the car as the droplets increased in number.

The afternoon had been beautiful. She had slept for an hour, waking to the laughter of TJ and Joshie as they reeled in another small fish. Too small to keep. As they had thrown it back high fiving each other the first droplet had fallen. Taking their time, they packed up the fishing gear and she had quickly folded the picnic blanket hoping to avoid it getting soaked.

She was now waiting in the car, as the intensity of the rain increased and the black cloud gathered, her eyes searched the clearing for a sign of the boys. There, just as the dry dust began to puddle she saw them, running to the car. Opening the tailgate, they loaded the gear, however instead of jumping in the car as Judy had wanted they stood looking at each other with goofy grins. All of a sudden both man and boy thrust their arms out and began twirling, heads lifted, tongues out. She couldn't help but laugh at the spectacle they made as the extraordinarily tall coffee coloured man danced alongside the small vanilla boy. Smiles and laughter loud enough the reach her ears filled her heart with a strange warmth. Not once in all the years before Joshie's father or since had she felt this peace.

Finally soaked and realising the rain was becoming dangerous, TJ had buckled Joshie in the back seat and jumped in the front. She wanted to scold them, but she didn't want to tarnish the precious memory the new friends had just made. She cranked up the heat and smiled at the two who had not lost their goofy grins. "Ok you two, when we get home I think hot baths and showers are in order. I don't want you both getting sick." She smiled at the man beside her who now was seated, looked directly into her eyes. There was an unmistakable glint in his rich chocolate eyes, maybe he was feeling the warmth too.

Reaching home, she shooed the two drenched humans into the house. She didn't think but rather acted on instinct directing TJ to the bathroom. "Right, you can use the shower here, just leave your clothes outside the door and I'll pop them in the dryer. There is a grey fluffy dressing gown on the back of the door you can use once you're finished. I know it's not ideal but the dryer is fast."

A look of mischief crossed his face before huffing then saluting as he said, "Yes Ma'am." Her serious face dissolved into a giggle as he smirked and shut the door. She waited all of two minutes before the wet clothes were passed to her through the small opening before it shut once more.

After setting the dryer with both TJ and Josie's clothes inside she proceeded to draw a bath for the now warm little boy. His pale skin was a contrast to the royal blue dressing gown he was bundled up in as he waited impatiently for his night-time bubble fun. She watched as he enjoyed playing with his toys, she was so engrossed the she failed to hear TJ enter the room. It wasn't till Joshie began to giggle that she turned to see the tall man. Failing miserably to not burst out laughing Judy doubled over at the sight. The dressing gown was dismally short, the bottom of the warm outfit stopped just short of his knees. The sleeves only reached his forearms and what would normally wrap around her body with overlapping material only overlapped just enough to protect the giggling pair from seeing everything he had to offer.

His embarrassed face held hers for a moment before he too got caught up in the infectious laughter. "I don't think they had me in mind when they made this garment, what do you think Judy?" He wiggled his eyebrows at her as not only amusement but something more heated her face.

"I'm sorry TJ, let me get you a blanket at least that should be long enough to protect your modesty and warm the rest of your body." She quickly retrieved the duvet from her bed resting it over his shoulders as best she could.

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