Chapter 28 (Edited)

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Chapter 28

Henry could tell when the two arrived back with dinner that something had transpired. As they set out the food there were subtle touches, just little things like hands brushing, or sideways glances. Marnie helped Joshie into his booster seat and then the three adults sat, food was passed around the table and plates were piled high. Moans escaped TJ's mouth and were repeated by the others at the table as mouths were filled with the delicious tastes of the orient. "This has got to be the best Chinese I have ever had, wish they had a restaurant closer to us hey Henry?" TJ's enthusiasm was reciprocated as he said with a mouth full of sweet and sour pork, "That's for dam sure, Marnie we have to have this again before heading back to London."

That comment bought the room to a halt, Marnie looked at Henry with a confused look. They hadn't really discussed anything after Judy and TJ had left to get food. Instead, Henry had played with Joshie while Marnie had sat watching, trying to piece together what had happened over the last three weeks. Gathering her wits she said with a soft voice "Henry, we haven't discussed anything yet so let's not make plans until we can do that ok" his face fell at the comment, in fact seeing the hesitation on her face, the loss of his little girl, scared him. Would she go back to being closed off again, just a carer? Feeling insecure his eyes fell back to his plate as he said with a small voice "Ok"

Trying to lift the mood TJ spoke up "Well I'm staying near here for the next few days, so who's up for some sightseeing?" Joshie pipped up at that point "I can take you to see my favourite parks, and we could go fishing at the river?" looking at the little boy Tyrol asked "Do you like fishing Joshie?" the little boy fidgeted in his seat before looking up with a hopeful smile "I would wove to learn, do you know how to fish?" this bought out a deep booming laugh that felt good as if a spark had lit in his chest that had been dormant for so long. Joshie joined in not knowing why the man was laughing but knowing that he like the sound, "I do know how to fish, but you have to have patience, are you good at sitting still Joshie?" TJ wanted to laugh again but restricted it to a smile as he watched the boy nod with such a serious face.

Together they planned a picnic by the river for the following day. Judy knew a good place to rent fishing poles, and Marnie knew a friend who could direct them to a good river to fish. Dinner finished TJ thanked them for the wonderful evening and moved to leave for his Hotel. Marnie watched as Judy followed him to the door, she would be happy if they did end up forming an attachment as she knew that Doctor Nolan or TJ as he was now being called was a wonderful man who would be good for her sister and Joshie. Judy returned back to the kitchen and pick up a now sleepy boy "come on Joshie its time you had a bath and got ready for bed" pouting he looked at Henry and said "Can ouu read me a stowy Henwy, please?" Henry who had been caught up in his own world of worry looked up and gave a tired smile "Sure Joshie, you pick the book and I'll be there after your bath"

As the too left the room Marnie stood up and started clearing the empty cartons from the table. What had seemed like a mountain of food had disappeared so quickly. The two cleaned up in silence both unsure what to say to the other. This was new territory, neither one of them was little and neither one was dependant on the other. Just as Henry got the courage up to say the first words Judy popped her head in "Joshie's ready for you Henry" he looked at Marnie a gentle smile falling to his lips as he stepped forward and hesitantly gave her a kiss on the cheek "See you in a little while" he then turned and left Marnie watching his back as he left.

Marnie finished cleaning up and made her way to Joshie's room, once again Henry was sitting up against the headboard, Joshie curled up next to him. He read from Joshie's now favourite book the same one Henry had read to him before "The princess and the goblin" the boy had wrapped himself as close as he could to the reader's body. It wasn't long before Joshie was asleep, clutching Henry's shirt. Marnie watched the tender moment between the two friends, she knew what it was to be held in those arms to feel their heat and strength. She blushed at the thought as her eyes silently met his. She could see in his eyes a hesitation as he looked at her, which made her chest feel tight. Not wanting to feel that anymore she turned and left.

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