Chapter 21 (Edited)

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A/N This is a short chapter but I wanted to give you all some happy feels tonight. Hugs Selah

Chapter 21

After a busy breakfast the group headed out to the Aquarium, Judy and Marnie sat in the front and Joshi and Henry sat in the back. Joshie raved about how nice Henry's car seat was all the way to the Aquarium. Looking in the Mirror Marnie could see the embarrassment on His face at the reminder of his time as a toddler, she was grateful he didn't take it out on Joshie.

They arrived at the aquarium by 10 am, Marnie and Judy purchased the tickets whilst Henry held Joshie in his arms. Henry was wearing a cap, sunglasses and a scarf so unless you looked really close it was hard to tell it was him. Joshie clung tight to Henry as they began walking along the shark walk "Won we falls in Henwy? Will da sharks gets us?" Henry listened very carefully to Joshie's fears and answered with the same sense of concern "well Joshie, the aquarium works very hard to look after all the fish tanks to keep the fishie's safe and to keep the humans safe. So, no we won't fall in ok buddy" This seemed to do the trick as Joshie then asked "Can's I walk Henwy?" not so sure he ask Judy who was walking behind with Ma "is it ok if Joshie walks Judy?"

Judy who had been looking at one of the large sharks swimming under her feet said in a slightly shaky voice " That's ok as long as you hold Henry's hand Joshie" at this comment Joshie started to wriggle until he was let down out of Henry's arms. Taking his small hand in his large one Joshie began pulling Henry forward. The day was spent stopping at every exhibition, ooing and ahhing over the bright colours and shapes of the different sea creatures.

The last place they looked at was the ocean tunnel, the walls were clear allowing you to see all the fish and aquatic creatures living in the tank above. By this stage, Joshie's legs had gotten tired and he was now sitting on Henry's shoulders. He reached up almost touching the top of the tunnel, smiling he waved at the fishies as they swam past.

As they neared the end Henry asked Josie what his favourite place was. Joshie furrowed his eyes and then said "I wik its all buts I wik visiting wif nemo in da cowal kingdom. It was fun" Entering the gift shop, Henry and Joshie went one way and the girls went another. Little did the boys know that Marnie was very quietly watching as they picked up different items and put them back. The spent a lot of time over by the plushies she noted that Josie had picked up a Clownfish one and then put it back. As they turned away she also noticed that Henry picked up a soft grey shark he held it in his hands for just a moment then let it go.

Henry and Joshie were laughing about one of the funny fish they had seen that had a large old man's nose as Judy opened the car for them. Marnie had disappeared for the moment so they all climbed in Henry helping to clip Joshie into place. A few minutes later Marnie came jogging up to the car with a bag in her hand. She put it in the back of the car which was so annoying to Joshie and Henry as they could not peek inside.

On the way home, they drove through McDonald's drive-through, then headed home. Now seated on the couch Kal leaning his head between the two best buds, he was spoilt because as they talked about their day Henry would pass a chip to Kal, then only seconds later Joshie would also pass a chip to him.

After they finished their meals Marnie walked into the room collecting the rubbish and suggested they watch Finding Nemo. Joshie was all excited about that and started Jumping on the couch, much to Henry's surprise Judith walked in saying "Joshie, you know the rules no jumping on the furniture. Before you start the movie you have to have 4 minutes in time out." Pouting but also acknowledging he was wrong Joshie walked over to the corner with the chair. Henry watched Judy speak to him before leaving him there. Remembering how horrible the white wall was when Joshie came back with slightly red eyes he pulled him into a hug.

Just before the movie was about to start Marnie came into the room with a big bowl of popcorn and the bag she had from the Aquarium. Sitting down at eye level with Joshie she smiled, "I saw you eyeing this in the gift shop and I thought he could cuddle with you whilst you watch finding Nemo" she then proceeded to pull out the plushie Clownfish from the store. Henry could see the delight on Joshie's face and for a moment he was kind of Jealous that he didn't have one. Marnie then turned to Henry a soft smile on her face "I know you are big now, but big kids need presents too, I saw you pick this guy up and I think he might be just cool enough to be ok in Big space what do you think?" as she pulled the grey shark out of the bag his eyes went wide. Would it be ok to still like soft toys even when he was an adult?

At that point, he didn't care he took the toy and hugged it close then pulled Marnie into a bone-crushing hug. Whispering in her ear "thank you, princess, this is perfect" blushing she pulled back stood and left the room. The rest of the afternoon Joshie and Henry ate popped corn, watched Finding Nemo and cuddled there new plushies.

Judy and Marnie leaned against the wall the sight before them was priceless. Joshie was curled up on Henry's lap his arms clutching both the clownfish and Henry's arm. Henry's head had flopped down resting against Joshie's the other arm not around Joshie was tightly holding on to his new grey shark. The two women smiled at each other nothing could steal the sight they now had imprinted in their minds especially as Judy had the foresight to take a picture with her iPhone.

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