Chapter 20 (Edited)

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Chapter 20

Henry had remained quiet throughout the remainder of the day and once again simply let Marnie put him to bed that evening. The only emotion shown was once she went to bed that night he had pulled her into his arms as he used to do when he was little. Even the Friday appointment with Dr Nolan had been unsuccessful in snapping him out of his melancholy. During the early hours of Saturday morning Marnie had woken feeling strange, she reached over for Henry to find an empty bed. Wrapping a dressing gown around her she wandered out to the living room. She watched fascinated as Henry, fingers poised with a brush in hand delicately painted the arm of a figurine. As he put it down she walked up and placed a hand on his shoulder "Couldn't sleep hon?" he looked up at her, for a moment a flash of something came into his eyes before he looked away. Refocused on his task he responded with a deep gently "mmmmm"

Not sure what this new personality or behaviour was, Marnie just patted him on the shoulder. Wondering what she could do she decided to heat up some milk with vanilla just as she would have for little Henry. Instead of pouring it in a bottle though she instead poured it in a mug. She placed it by his side giving his shoulder a squeeze she gently said, "I'm going back to bed, don't stay up too much longer, remember we have visitors coming today." She had let him know that Judy and Joshie were coming, but he had as she expected not remembered who they were. It had saddened her but she knew that Joshie would adapt. Crawling into the warm bed she snuggled into the covers, later and unsure how much later Marnie felt the bed dip and warm arms wrap around her, still silent but holding her close. The safety and security she felt in those arms were alarming every time, but she was getting used to the feeling.

Familiar hot stinky breath wafted over her senses, followed by a "Yip" she wondered if she ignored it for a few more minutes she could stay snuggled in the warmth that surrounded her. "Yip, grrrrrr, Yip" as if his tummy was calling to Marnie's sense of mothering she responded, "Ok Kal, I'm up." Tapping Henry's arm he released her and rolled over onto his other side. Even this was a concern his motivation to get out of bed lost. She crawled out of bed and attended to Kal's need.

As 10 am rocked around there was a knocking on the door, smiling Marnie looked over to Henry who had been sitting on the couch staring into space since crawling out of bed an hour ago. Opening the door she was greeted by Joshie's squeal and a warm hug. His hug warmed the places in her heart that were beginning to feel empty. Squeezing her nephew back she said "I've missed you buddy" he said sweetly back "I missed ouuu too Aunteee" pulling back he said, "Cans I see Henwy now?" She smiled at her sweet boy "yes honey you can go see Henry, he is in the living room but sweetheart, Henry is not feeling well at the moment and he is now grown up ok" Joshie cocked his head to the side as if thinking then replied " otay Aunteee, I'll be genal" she smiled then said "ok, off you go"

Joshie had missed Henry so much, he had been fun and had played lots of games with him. He had also been sad and Josie had liked cheering him up. Auntee had said he was sad again so maybe he could cheer him up.

Judy and Marnie hugged then walked behind Josie towards the living room, they watched stunned as Joshie spotting Henry had taken a running leap and tackled the big man. Wrapping his tiny arms around his neck and hugging him tightly. The surprise on Henry's face was priceless, startled at the little body clinging to him he slowly wrapped his arms around his small frame. Then his face changed, grew softer as he tucked his head into the little boy's shoulder. Joshie squeezed as hard as he could "I's missed ouuu Henwy" he waited a few moments until a deep voice responded "I missed you too buddy"

Sitting back Joshie took Henry's face in his hands "oouuuu don look bigger?" Henry smiled at the innocence of the child sitting on his lap. At first, he had been surprised as the child had launched himself into his lap, once his little arms were round his neck it seemed to unlock a tirade of memories. Playing block, colouring in, sitting in the bath and painting their hands on the wall to cheer up Ma's living room. Feelings of warmth had invaded his mind as he hugged him back. Focusing on the small boy he smiled at his comment "Well, I might be thinking like an adult but that doesn't mean I have to act like one" giggling Joshie smiled and then said in a hushed whisper "Where is Kal?"

A smile filled Henry's face, standing he lifted the small boy in his arms and carried him to the back screen door opening it alerted Kal who came bounding up to the pair dancing around their feet. The boy giggled and started to wriggle wanting to get down, "Henwy I was to pway wif Kal" taking a breath and hoping that Kal would behave he focused on the canine "Kal Sit" hearing the tone of his master's voice Kal sat tail wagging so fast that it was almost a blur. Kneeling down with Joshie still in his arms he said, "Kal this is my good friend Joshie he wants to play, but you must be a good boy ok" as if he understood he yipped a reply. Joshie giggled at the dog, finally released from Henry's arms he wrapped his arms around Kal who started licking his face.

Marnie and Judy sat tea in hand watching the boys running around the backyard being chased by Kal. Every now and then a toy would be picked up and thrown causing the canine to turn his attention, After picking up the toy he began chasing them again. She sighed, a happy smile on her face, if you had not known Henry was big now it would cause you to question as he was happily running around just as he had in the living room at home. This also caused her sadness, he would have made a wonderful father if he had been given a chance.

Judy broke through her musing, "They look so happy, I'm glad we made this trip" Marnie lifted the tea to her mouth, then sighed "I hope this lasts, he's been so despondent, I just didn't know what to do. I am glad you could come." Judy chuckled at the antics playing out before them as Henry picked Joshie up who was now pretending to be an aeroplane arms out as Henry flew him through the air. The two women chatted about life, Judy had been given a promotion at work and Joshie was loving daycare.

Later that night after a noisy dinner, Henry helped Marnie put Joshie to bed. Now sitting beside Joshie he asked "would you like me to read you a story tonight Joshie?" the little boy's eyes lit up "Yeth pweese" Henry stood and walked over to his bookshelf and pulled out an old book Walking over he settled himself beside Joshie, the little boy curling up to his side as he started to read "The Princess and the Goblin"

If watching Henry run around with Joshie had not clenched her heart, the image of him sitting reading a children's fantasy book to her nephew did. Wanting, hoping that there would be something more, something deeper between them besides the co-dependent platonic relationship that they seemed to have now. Every now and then he would look up and catch her eye a small smile playing at his lips before he would continue. Once Joshie's small snores began filling the room he slipped a pillow behind the boy's head and tucked him in. Walking over to Marnie he pulled her into his arms, "I remember Ma, thank you for everything you did" kissing her on the forehead he left her there, confused by the feelings clouding her mind and swirling through her stomach.

That night they returned to the familiar routines, no longer silent Henry picked a movie and the three of them settled in to watch Enola Homes. Judy occupied the lazy boy and Henry curled up, head in Marnie's lap on the couch. It was a confused and tired Marnie who went to sleep that night, the arms enclosed around her causing her body to react in a way that until now had been dormant. Closing her eye's she forced herself to breathe, relax and take one day at a time.

The following morning she awoke to a wiggling body, groaning she opened her eyes to see the bright blue eyes of her nephew. "Yay ouu awake Aunteee" finding it hard to be grumpy at that face she said "morning sweet boy, what do you want to do today?" he scrunched up his face before jumping over her landing directly on Henry's stomach as he said. "Henwy, wot do ouu tink we soud do?" Marnie chuckled at the sound of the groaning man, Carma's a bitch she thought before she focused on what they were saying "... how about we go to the aquarium does that sound like fun?" moments later all you could hear as Joshie went running down the hallway was "Mummmm we goes to fishies" Henry rolled over mumbling "Was I that bad?" a smile lit Marnie's face as she laughed "Yup but I think Nick would have preferred Joshie's weight rather than yours" his face grimaced as another memory surfaced "remind me to get him a very expensive Christmas gift this year "It was an off-handed comment but Marnie wondered if she would still be around for Christmas, would he still want her around then? 

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