Chapter 29: Beware The Sirens

Start from the beginning

"I don't care about the sirens. All I care about right now is making sure that Y/N is safe, so I'm going and hyungs can't stop me," Jungkook retorted as he turned his back to them and started reaching for the handle.

"Fine, if we can't stop you then we're going with you," Jimin announced as he started putting on his shoes. The others nodded in agreement to that as they all started putting their shoes on.

"No," Jungkook replied in firm tone causing the others to stop what they were doing and look at him in surprise. He sighed as he continued, not even glancing behind him. "I'm going alone. I'm sorry hyungs, but I can't go make sure Y/N is safe if I'm also having to worry about all of you. Out there, I alone have immunity to the siren song, the rest of you don't. I need to do this alone." Without another word, he placed his hand on the knob and opened the door. Just as he did, he came face to face with the sirens. He gasped in shock and alarm when he saw their dangerous grins and slammed the door shut in their faces, locking the door quickly. "Oh man holy shit!"

"How did they get passed the guards and staff without being noticed?" Seokjin asked in worry as he glanced at the others.

"They're sirens, no doubt they used that enchantment song," Namjoon commented with a small sigh.

"Yeah, but not all of our staff are men you know. There are female staff. No doubt they would have noticed them come in," Yoongi inquired with a shrug. Just then, a knock sounded from the door. The members all backed away from the door quietly and slowly. Yoongi decided to be brave and stepped forward. "Who is it and what do you want?"

"It's BangPD and managers," BangPD answered. The members' eyes all widened at that. They could have sworn that it was the sirens who were at the door, but perhaps when Jungkook had slammed the door in their faces that they decided to leave. "Boys, open the door, we have something really important that we need to discuss with you." The guys approached the door and hesitantly opened it. To their surprise, it really was BangPD and the managers. They went to smile at them in greeting, only to frown soon after when they saw the sirens behind them, seemingly holding them hostage.

"Well well well, hello again boys," the siren pod leader greeted them in a seductive tone as she sent them a dark smile. The other sirens did the same. Oceana didn't seem to be with them, which surprised them as they wondered where she could be. "Oh and Jungkook, that wasn't very nice slamming the door in our faces."

"I would say sorry, but then again I can't say that you didn't deserve it," Jungkook remarked sarcastically as he sent her a glare. She giggle flirtatiously at that as she pushed BangPD and the managers into the dorm and walked in herself, along with the rest of the sirens following after her.

"Let them go," Namjoon instructed in a serious tone, "You used them to get in here and now you're in here, so let them go." The siren leader looked at him and laughed darkly as she shook her head.

"Oh ho ho~, you think a pitiful human such as yourself can tell me a siren what to do? I don't think so. I don't plan to let them go until I've accomplished what I've come here for," she said in a booming tone as she gestured to the other sirens, who nodded and kept closely to BangPD and the managers.

"We're so sorry boys, we tried to stop them," one of the managers stated only to be shut up by one of the sirens. The members shared sympathetic looks towards BangPd and the managers.

"Now then, where were we?" The siren leader asked as she thought for a bit.

"You've come here to kill us," Taehyung voiced in a shaky tone. The siren leader grinned at that as she approached Taehyung slowly. He backed away fearfully.

"As much as we would love to kill you boys for all of this, we're not going to," the siren leader said with a sinister smile. This made the members sigh a bit in relief, but also gulp at seeing her smile. "Don't act so relieved, I'm not done yet. You are going to stay away from Y/N, especially you Jungkook."

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