Chapter 16 - And You, Are The Long Lost Mafia Prince

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They started talking in Italian after that.

As quiet and sneakily as I can, I went to my room and changed into a hoodie and jeans. Then, I crept to the garage and looked for the car Ina was going to ride.

You don't even know what car that is.

Oh, yeah... How will I know which one is which??

You have a phone. Your phone is connected to the internet. What do you think you should do?



Do you know what she means?

No idea, whatsoever.

What a bunch of idiots... Google it!

Ah, yes, yes!

I took out my phone and hurriedly typed the car I heard in. My speed caused the spelling to be wrong, but thankfully, auto-correct has been invented.

So the car I'm going in is... The red one with four seats.

Looks like I just found a good hiding spot. If I'm calling the floor of a car a good hiding spot.

I can only pray and hope that she won't be checking the back.

I open the car which was surprisingly unlocked, and got in. Another plus was a big black cloth that was the same colour as the floor.

I could hide easier!

It's like the universe is telling me to continue what I'm doing.

Good thing I'm not the universe. Because I am still intent on stopping you.

Blatantly ignoring her, I climb in and make myself less visible as possible by lying as flat as my body could.

Then, I wait.


Don't breathe. Don't breathe. Don't breathe. Don't breathe...

Again, why is he stopping his breath?

Unfortunately, you can't die by holding your breath, so it's not suicide.

Then... What the fuck is he doing?

He thinks that if he breathes, Regina will hear him.


What an idiot.

I know, right?!

None of you are helping!

Didn't plan on it.

Don't really want to.


So, Regina had gotten in a while ago, and we've been driving in utter silence since then.

Thankfully, she hadn't noticed the slight lump on the backseat floor of her car, so I'm safe.

Don't jinx it.

Then, a phone rings.

Not to say that I told you so, but...

Oh no... Am I caught? Is she gonna get mad? Oh, who am I kidding? She is going to be livid! I have to prepare my funera--


Wait. What?

That wasn't my phone?

Darn it.

"Regina, have you seen Rayver?" Came Mr Luciano's voice on the other side.

"I'm on my way to somewhere. Do you think that I would know where the fuck that debole is?" {weakling}

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