Chapter 1 - Confinement

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'This is the 864th day that I've been here.'  Zhang QiLing calmly yet sadly looks at the markings that he has been making everyday since he has arrived at this unknown place.

He only knew that it is some sort of laboratory but probably an illegal one. Judging from the infrastructure of the location, it should be an underground facility where day and night could only be roughly guessed from the coming and going of people. From the observation, 3 sets of security guards could be seen. It is rather a simple calculation; there are 24 hours a day, 3 shifts would mean each shift is there for 8 hours. When seeing the people of the same shift again, it would mean that a day has passed.

There were many people here; those in white lab coat walking around with a clipboard to write something and those locked up in cages just like himself. Needless to say, who is doing what. Hence, he knew that he was one of the test subjects since he is behind bars.

"Mute Zhang. How come you came back earlier than me today?" The man in the next cell asks his usual question.

"................" Zhang QiLing doesn't even spare him a glance which is the normal reaction.

Out of the total of 800 days, only 200 of them were the quite and peaceful ones. The rest were no longer peaceful, when this neighboring cell made his appearance. This person can talk day to night, talking about anything and everything. Most of the time, they're total nonsense. Only on rare occasion would be something of actual sense. The 2 of them and another woman share this section of the confinement area.

Originally, he was just like any other normal person. However, after multiple test session, he has changed for a while. Although, it was only a temporary period, or rather a transition period, once he is used to it, he returns to his almost normal self. One obvious change is that now he wears sunglasses at all times. With this trademark, everyone calls him Hei Ye.

No one has seen him taken it off. Well, almost no one because only Zhang QiLing has seen it. But since Zhang QiLing never spoken of it, nobody knew of it. So, it is still a mystery on what's behind those lenses.

"It seems that another one died today." Hei Ye mentions of what he has overheard on his way back. "It was a little girl. About 8 or 9 years old. They said that she died after the 3rd injection."

This information has gained a simple glance from Zhang QiLing. Despite it being very fast that normal people may not have caught it but our Hei Ye is not exactly normal so he could catch it.

During this whole time, each and everyone were injected with the strange drugs that these mad scientists have been studying. In the beginning, most people brought over were strong men and women in which Zhang QiLing guessed that the studying was probably for something along the line of superhuman or super soldier. However, the scope of people has expanded to old and young like the children that died today.

In spite of whoever was brought here to this facility, most of them have died. The 2 people that were able to survive until today are Zhang QiLing and Hei Ye. Therefore, these 2 have already witnessed many deaths. For as long as it has been going, nothing fruitful has been obtained. Everyone responded to the drugs differently. Some can be obviously seen with naked eyes while some may not show. Whichever it may be, the result that their seeking for has not been achieved. So more of such case would still continue to come.

"And I've finally found out what they're researching about." Hei Ye reveals another piece of information that he has obtained.

"What?" The mute Zhang finally let out a word of response.

"Immortality." Hei Ye sighs out. "They're using our lives to extend their own."

"......................" Zhang QiLing has no comment since he couldn't comprehend why someone would want to live forever.

3 days after

Just like any other day, Zhang QiLing sits quietly in his cell until a loud scream is heard, then the alarm blares loudly throughout the whole facility nearly causing everyone to go deaf. At first, it seems that it was just an attempt of escape which would occur every now and then. Both Zhang QiLing and Hei Ye didn't react to it until they heard an unfamiliar sound: gun shots.

Few seconds later, they heard another scream from nearby follow by some strange sound which caused the guards nearby to quickly check the situation. After disappearing, there were loud banging sound. Anyone would have thought that the guards must have handle the test subjects, only to learn that it wasn't like that at all. One of the women test subject with her bloody hand dragged the dead guards. It seems that the drugs for immortality have turned some of the subjects into something else. A frail woman shouldn't have been able to kill 2 strong guards with bare hands and even drag them as if they were weightless.

Zhang QiLing and Hei Ye gazes unconsciously met in mid air when witnessing this bizarre incident with the same question in their mind: have they, themselves, become something like that as well?

The question was soon pushed to the back of their minds when suddenly the lights flicker a few times. With their fast reflexes, they could slip out despite the small interval available. They carefully head out of their confinement area. Once they made their way to the main corridor, there were dead people scattered everywhere. It seems that some of the subjects intended to slaughter their way out, but things weren't as easy as it sounds.

Reinforcements of personnel and equipment arrived which heighten the already difficult escape to reach its peak. Zhang QiLing has learnt martial arts since young while Hei Ye didn't have formal lessons, but his difficult life has taught him what was needed to survive; therefore, the 2 men could resist against the guards coming to capture them back. Since they were the subjects worth millions of investment, it was understandable for them to be caught alive. But when the damage caused by these subjects were too much, the caught alive concept soon turned to kill them all.

With the new objective, the reinforcements were more overwhelming, their fire power were as if going to world war 3. Bullets keep raining on the human subjects that were fighting for their lives. On the other hand, some were fighting for their freedom regardless of whether they live or die.

"If I can't get out ... I'll just die here taking you all with me to hell!." A man with bulky muscle drenched in blood roars out before picking up the grenade and guns from the dead guard and charged into the group that's blocking the exit. He kept running forward ignoring the bullets that penetrated his body as if not feeling any pain from it.

In the midst of this chaos, suddenly multiple explosions could be heard, and the tremor could be felt within the facility. Every explosion impacted the infrastructure making it cracked. It won't be long before the whole thing would collapse.

In the middle of the night, inside the thick forest deep in the mountain, a large-scale explosion lighted up the sky.

Nobody knew what was there at that place.

Nobody knew what happened.

Nobody knew if there were people there.

If there were people there, nobody knew if there were any survivors.



Finally, Wu Xie and Xiao Ge have a story of their own

Do you feel the content going round in circle like repeating itself in this one chapter? Or is it just my own paranoia?

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