CHP20:Popping the Question

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I was immediately tackled when I got off the bus, no for once it wasn't ___. I cursed at him but laughter soon followed. "Jew boy! Didn't think you'd be so early!" I rubbed my head trying not to let go of her hand. Soon I heard a rough grunt from the distance.

"We're coming!" I squinted to see it was Stan with a little boy in his arms. I scratched my head a little confused. In seconds he came crashing into me. The little boy standing on his head.

He looked around and gave me a little smile. "Daddy, who are these people?" I started to laugh as Stan laid on me.

"Daddy Stan?" I laughed. He grabbed his son getting off of me.

He smiled at me but frowned when he saw Cartman. "Who invited fat-" Stan covered his mouth immediately. "I mean nice to see you Cartman." Cartman bursted out into laughter at the sight of Stan and his mini me. I had to admit I wanted to laugh too. Didn't know he'd actually get a Denmark girl knocked up. 

"So what brings you back to our reunion?" I said awkwardly. Stan grew serious for a moment letting his son wander for a bit. 

He sat down on the snow staring out into the distant. "I wanted to know if Wendy would take me back... I mean if she takes Randy with me. No Randy Marsh, no Stan Marsh." I could see __ smile and roll her eyes. She lay a hand on his shoulder.

"Stan don't be stupid. Look, of course she'll take you back she's madly in love with you, guys are so stupid." In a couple more minutes a car came up to us. A brown tattered up truck.

The blond opened the door waiting and a brunette with a large stomach stepped out. "Kenny?" We all shouted. He smirked holding the brunette's hand.

"Hey guys you remember Tammy Warner right?" He smirked. I looked back to ___ who was finally starting to make conversation with the other girls. I quickly huddled up the guys. 

I let my hand wander in my pocket until I grasped it. "Guys, you'll never guess what I bought." I smirked. They rolled their eyes. ___ and I went to college together and I couldn't wait to gloat about what I had bought her. 

"Dude, when are you gonna show her that?" Kenny asked eagerly. Cartman crossed his arms not caring.

"I was gonna show her right now." I said with a giant smile. All the guys facepalmed. They shook their head in disapproval. "What? Is that a bad idea?" I asked worried. I shoved the object back into my pocket. Kenny began to shake me.

"Don't be an idiot Kyle! Come on you have to do something really romantic then tell her!" He commanded putting his finger in front of my face. I rolled my eyes again knowing __ deserved the whole world.

I brought ___ closer to me. "Wh- What? Where are we going?" She squealed waving bye to her new friends. I quickly grabbed her by the arm running. I had the perfect idea. "Kyle!" She screamed laughing. 

Wendy P.O.V

I got off the bus to a surprising view. Stan held a boy on his shoulders and Kenny was with a brunette with a huge stomach. I smiled at them. "Hi," Was the only thing I could say before Stan grabbed me and gave me a deep kiss. We broke for breath and I smiled at him. "Hi..." I gasped. He smiled bigger.

"Hey Wendy, meet little Randy... We were wondering if you'd like to get dinner?" I kissed him on the cheek nodding. I looked to Tammy.

"Hey Cartman where's?" He quickly covered my mouth. He shook his head rage in his eyes. I forced him off me. "Have you heard of soap!" I screamed. He flipped me off walking away. "I just wanted to know where Amy was. She was pretty..." I couldn't finish my sentence because Kenny started to laugh which told me he hadn't met Cartman's new girlfriend yet.

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