CHP07: A Helping Hand

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I let myself ease into my familiar surroundings. Class had just ended and I was heading out of my hell for the day. The halls were loud as I walked and only got louder when I saw the football jerks approach me. Kyle stepped forward first. He seemed especially mad today, maybe he was acknowledging yesterday's argument. I gave him a smug smile but he quickly smacked it off my face by slapping my cheeks. "Fuck off!" I screamed. He grabbed my chin looking intently on me.

"Hey, have you heard of mouth wash sweetie? I mean your breath smells like Kenny's house." Kyle laughed. The blond smiled big.

"Didn't I tell you? Bad kisser too!" He shouted bursting into laughter. Fredrick put his hands behind his head giving me a frown. Kyle turned to the burnette when he realized we were staring at each other. 

"What? Nothing to say?" Ginger boy said. I blushed hard as Fredrick continued to stare past Kyle and to me. I looked away and he put his hands into his pocket. He blew his black locks out of his left eye.

He sighed giving me a soft smile before responding. "Not gonna argue with a smart ass." He shrugged pointing to the paper in my hand. My hand squeezed it crunching it up. I forgot to hide my report card right after class. I bit my lip but Kyle's smirk expanded. 

Immediately he swiped it out of my hand. He scanned it laughing again and Kurt quickly took it from him. "Damn! Do you live under a damn rock?" He hissed biting his lip to stop his laughter. 

"I thought someone like you should've gotten an F considering that you live in small ass box, in the ghetto right!" My eyebrow twitched as he grabbed my report card with both hands. "Nonetheless... Letters don't matter, right." My mouth dropped as his left hand swiped down as his right hand stayed still. I winced as I heard the clear tear. 

"Oops." Kyle said in a monotone sprinkling the paper onto the floor in front of me. I wanted to punch him, swear and kick but then the thought came again. I loved him. I blushed harder as he stared at me with that damn smirk. I wanted to tell him, my mouth was open but I couldn't. I couldn't do anything. Instead my legs began to run, run as fast as I could.

I sped through the halls running up the stairs. "Where you going I bought some candy! Don't you want some!" I heard Ike scream. I ignored him slamming my bedroom door. My heart was racing now, I wasn't that mad and it was confusing the heck out of me. The way he was staring at me made my heart sink. No, not, Fredrick... Kyle. Even if it was for the tiniest second I could take everything in. The dents in his cheeks, his frown, even his hot breath as he breathed through his nose. I gulped hard punching my floor. Why the hell couldn't I tell him! I started to cry at my frustration. Maybe letters didn't matter maybe I was dumb.

A soft knock made me look up from my sadness. "____... Open the door." A soft whisper came. "I'm coming in alright?" I stared aimlessly at the door. Maybe I wouldn't accept the help until I saw it.  The door opened slowly and I saw Ike's tiny form. 

He jumped onto my bed lying on my pillow. "Milk chocolate, take it." His hand had a fist full of funsized hersheys. He gave me that warm smile that melted my frown. I grabbed a couple of pieces popping them into my mouth.  "Good huh?"  I nodded as he sat next to me. We sat there in silence as I finished eating the chocolates the tears slowly stopping.

"Girls shouldn't cry..." I tilted my head closing my eyes again. "and people need to learn that people aren't strong... It's disappointing what people can live with. So who's the idiot who did this?" I was surprised at first but remembered Ike was a certified genius. I sighed looking to my ceiling.

"Your brother and his stupid friends, that's who." Ike's serious expression turned into a frown, and his eyes flared with rage. 

"Kyle.. He's not strong and the things he says... It's just a way to cope with the fact that he's lost so much, including himself. We as people aren't strong and words make the shells we hide in. ___, please don't blame him. Please he's still my scared brother. But don't let yourself be discouraged. Because I know you're stronger."

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