CHP11: News

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I sighed as I walked down the stairs. As soon as I entered the kitchen both my parents stood up. It woke me up, the two had been fighting recently but it was nothing new. "Morning." I yawned. In response mom bit her lip tears in her eyes. I frowned as I looked to dad. He was rubbing his shoulder.

"Take a seat, ___." He whispered. I nodded immediately sitting down. His tone made me jump out of my skin. What did I do, why were they so serious? They usually smiled at me, no matter what the circumstances. I gulped hard as they continued to speak. Dad leaned back closing his eyes wih crossed arms.

Mom bit her lip stopping her tears. "Honey, your dad and I are getting a divorce." I kind of just stared at them. Dad was hiding his face in a newspaper mom sobbing into her arms. It took me a good twenty minutes to process her words, things were bad but didn't they know I still loved them? Why were they doing this? I started to tear up. Mom called out to me but I just ran back upstairs to my room.

I threw myself onto my bed. Why did everything I love fall apart? I started to sob thinking about it. First it was Kyle the only guy who I loved and now my parents in one fellow swoop decide to leave each other. Ike knocked on the door which made me stop crying. I forced a smile as he entered. "Your folks said I could stay..." He whispered. I nodded. He bit his lip as he closed the door. As soon as it closed I started bawling my eyes out. I looked to my left to my drawer. My eyes widened at the idea. There's a knife in there. I let that thought bounce around my head for a while. There's a knife in there. I repeat it in my head over and over again. 

He lye there pretty still, I was pretty relieved until I was noticed. "Jew boy! I knew you'd come visit me! Don't wanna get sued huh?" I cringed at his words but I knew I couldn't hit him. The security guards(which Cartman demanded he recieved)would be on my ass. "Take a seat, how's life?" He said his laughter dying. I sighed a little relieved maybe fat ass had changed a bit.

I looked away staring at the window. We were five stories high. "Come on Jew talk to me." He urged throwing a pillow at me. I let it hit me as  I continued to stare out the window. "You know maybe this is why Stan moved." I grit my teeth rising to my feet.

"He moved because everyone found out his dad was Lorde! You insensitive ass!" I screamed. He smiled finally getting me to talk. I sat back down letting the silence fill the room.

Cartman sighed before speaking. I missed the silence as soon as the words left his mouth. "You know __ came to visit me yesterday." I didn't know why but I turned red and my palms became sweaty. I swallowed hard turning my attention back to the window.

"Oh... Why?" I said trying to seem like I didn't care. I could see him give me an odd look from the corner of my eye. Soon a smirk overwhelmed him. I frowned as he continued.

"Well, she was pretty worried, bitch even gave me her number." I faced him this time. I was pretty pissed now. One that she called her a bitch and two because he was waving the piece of paper in front of my face. I turned red as I tackled him. I punched him twice in the face before he pushed me off of him.

He started to burst into laughter. "Ha! Jew boy loves nerdy _____!" He screamed punching his bed in hysterical laughter. I sat on my ass as he continued to laugh. I didn't like her, I was sure of that... Wasn't I? I looked to the floor remembering this morning.

"Kyle! Kyle get here right now!" I shuffled in my bed throwing all my covers over me. In seconds mom was at my bedroom door. "What the hell did you do to Ms. Cartman's son!" She screamed. I threw my pillow at her with a groan. The next thing I knew I was being dragged out of my room in only my boxers. I sighed as she continued to drag me. 

"He asked for it, I just delivered." My statement made her throw me down the stairs. I kind of laughed when I reached the bottom, no boken bones. She was still red with rage. 

"You march to that hospital room and apologize mister! I did not raise a deliquent!" She screamed. I looked away muttering.

"yeah..." Is all she heard. She trudged down the stairs pulling my ear.

"What did you say!" She screamed. I cringed as she pulled harder.

She grabbed my hand fiercely which finally made me explode. "I said  of course you didn't. You act like dad raised me so  you always blame it on him I'm your kid too!" I hollered. She let go of my ear as she stared at me. I gave her a smirk. I was surprised as she backhanded me across the face.

She was breathing hard as she continued to scream. "You're the reason little Ike left! You're the reason your father left! You're the..." I stared at her blankly as her mouth dropped staring at me. I looked down clenched fists. I let a couple tears escape.

"Oh god, bubbie, I... I... didn't-" I continued to cry swiping my arm away from her.

"C-can... Can I just go now?" I whispered. She backed away with a frown as she simply nodded. 

I didn't notice it until Cartman pointed it out. "Dude, are you crying?" He asked dumbfounded. I looked up feeling my wet cheek. I shook my head. 

"No, I just..." I forced a laugh. "I just don't get why someone like her would give a dumbass her number." I laughed pushing him softly. Cartman's eyes eased as he laughed rubbing the back of his head.

"I guess, I didn't tell you the whole truth." He chuckled. I looked at him dully. I punched my palm threatingly. He sighed continuing. "It's just for emergencies dude, it's called the friendzone?" He said dully. 

"We cool?" I whispered. He punched me in the shoulder.

"Yeah Jew boy, we're cool." I smiled as I was about to leave the room. I faced Cartman once more.

"Hey..." He looked back up. "Don't tell her alright?" I whispered letting my hat cover my eyes. He surpressed a laugh as he nodded with a chuckle.

"Whatever, Jew... But someone ought to."

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