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I tried not to be nervous. The guys were poking fun at me. I knew they were joking but I had to admit it felt a little awkward with the guys knowing I liked ___. Thankfully only Fredrick left me alone he was busy talking to the goths and smoking. "Come on man, just tell us if she's a good kisser I mean Nathan refuses to talk about it." Kurt laughed elbowing the blond in the side. I rolled my eyes grabbing my backpack. I had a surprise for her and these idiots were keeping me from her. I started to walk away when Nathan caught up to me. "Hey, Kyle wait... Why aren't you wearing your football jersey?" I sighed then slowly lifted him so he was out of my way.

"I've been too.... Busy to notice, the jersey's dirty I'm washing it but... I think I won't need it anymore." The guys all had wide eyes as they stared at me. Again I rolled my eyes and walked away. I could hear them snicker as soon as my back was turned.

"Busy? Bow chickawowwow." Kurt laughed, I could imagine the humping motion he would do. The guy was like a second Kenny. I decided to shift my mind to something more pleasant than perverted Kenny.   ___ and I had kissed before but we never went on an actual date yet. I knew exactly where I could find her.

The brunette was laughing away trying to hide the fact that her hat would cover her eyes with each chuckle. It was reassuring that ___ had found some more friends. Wendy was a good place to start since she basically had connections with the entire school. I slowly tapped the (h/c) haired girl on the shoulder. She turned around with a small smile. "Hi Kyle!" She squealed wrapping her arms around me. I blushed and slowly wrapping mine around her.

"Aww, cute." Wendy awed. "I'll leave you two alone." She looked at me giving me a wink. Again I rolled my eyes. Were we that adorable? I sighed no, it was just __. I laughed then remembered what I wanted to tell her. 

I hated the fact that I had to break our embrace, I stepped back and she kind of pouted. "No, no sour faces! Look!" I shouted. Her face kind of turned dull. "What? You don't like movies?" I questioned. She gave me that famous forced smile of hers.

"No... but it wasn't the first date I had hoped... Imagined." She said awkwardly. I quickly tore the movie tickets. She was right, sitting next to her for an hour didn't seem too romantic. I sighed thinking a bit but luckily __ had an idea. "How 'bout we walk around the mall, I can give you a sick new hairdue." It made me laugh at the thought of her messing with my hair. Would she turn it green? But since I had nothing better planned I agreed

"Uh, sure." I croaked. It made her giggle and she grabbed my hand running. I let a little scream escape my lips as she went at lightning speed, and I thought I was fast.

Soon enough we arrived at the South Park mall. "So we going into some clothes shop or something?" I tried my best not to sound bored. She sighed giving me an immediate frown.

"No, gross... We're going to the arcade! Then we're going to laser tag and then we're going-" I kissed her lips just to get her to calm down she was talking like one thousand words per second. She smiled blushing as I nodded. Again she grabbed my hand, damn and I thought I was eager.

The black silhouette slowly entered the room. The brunette with long locks quickly jumped to her feet. "You're..." She couldn't finish as the silhouette came running at her. Her mouth was covered she was breathing fast trying to calm down.

"Shut up. I'm here to talk." The silhouette whispered. She slowly nodded as he continued. "we have something in common, and I wanted to know if you'd.... Assist me." She gulped hard which made him laugh. "Don't worry I'm sure you'll love this." He whispered wrapping the black object into her palm and forcing her fingers to clasp around it.

"KYLE MONEY!" She hollered. My hand was shaking as it entered my left pocket. My right hand was on the gun as I began to shoot the aliens. "KYLE!" She screamed I was too focused on the money to actually realize she was trying to warn me of the alien boss.

Nerd Love?KylexreaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz