CHP02: Nathan

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Picture of Nathan at the top

I walked in the school greeted by an annoying smirk. "Hey, new girl right?" He croaked. I squinted at his breath that reeked of breath mints and bacon. "Come on, I'm just trying to be friendly." He lay a hand on my shouldler and I quickly stepped forward breaking away from his grip.

He shook his head at me grabbing the strands of my (h/c) hair. "Come on, just cuz I'm a rich boy doesn't mean I don't know how to have fun." He whispered. I rolled my eyes about to walk away when I heard another voice.

"___, bell rang didn't take you as the one to be late to class." I turned around to see Kyle his green hat firmly on his head. He still hid his curly locks, they weren't straight like they are now. I repressed a blush looking to the floor.

"At least I'm not some loser who spends all day in the park." I growled. He lifted his eyebrow grabbing my shoulders. He pulled me close so we were inches apart. My blush was clear now.

"Learn to shut up." He whispered his lips almost touching mine. I stared at him speechless as we listened to the awkward silence. Nathan began to laugh.

The bell sounded and I found myself alone at the lunch table. I threw my food in the garbage knowing I didn't want food poisening again like I had in seventh grade. I looked to the table to my far right seeing the girls admiring Kyle's new gang. Nathan flirtatiously winked at Wendy who blushed then did the same to me. I quicky flipped him off. He gave me a quick smirk shoving food into his mouth chewing obnoxiously with his mouth open.

Class was pretty ordinary. Kyle being incredibly loud with his stupid friends, me learning nothing because of distractions and them commenting on my clothes. Afterwards I found Nathan trying to actually talk to me. At first I thought I could outrun him but then remembered he was on the football team. "hey, ___ heard something in school and I was just curious.... Care to clear things up?" He said snaking around so he was now on my left. I sighed as he continued.

"What is it Nathan?" I hissed. He smirked putting a hand on my hair.

"Heard that you still wore braces. You know the invisible ones..." He laughed throwing his hands behind his head. "if anyone heard about that, damn we'd have a riot." He continued to laugh. I frowned at him keeping my mouth shut. I had gotten braces at the age of 12. Nathan didn't really meet the guys till eighth. I wore the metal ones until I was 13 when I got my clear ones. I hated them. It just gave more people a reason to make fun of me another reason to shun me. Another aspect that kept me in that solid shell I made when I realized people could be so vicioius. I looked up to Nathan who was busy laughing. I made a fist ready to punch him when he gripped my arms viciously, I could feel the bruises forming. He gave me an evil smirk pulling me into a kiss, I could feel his tongue graze my teeth and he immediately pulled apart.

He coughed still laughing. My mouth was still open in shock. He was slapping his knee having fun with my expression. He lay a hand on my chin forcing my mouth close. "Close your car garage you're not getting another kiss, now I know." He smirked. "You're a bad kisser by the way brace face." He began to walk away laughing his ass off. I was red in the face left there, shocked and angered when I realized something.

I touched my lips whining a bit. I felt a tear run down my cheek. "My first kiss..." I sighed more tears falling onto my face. What was I expecting from the tormenters who I hated since middle school, definately not my first kiss.

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