CHP09: Last Straw

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I wasn't really sure why I showed up today. I planned on skipping school but mom and dad dragged me out of the room. I sighed going into the courtyard it was lunch. I always packed a lunch since the school had crappy food. Again I ran into the football jerks, there was no escaping them right.

"Pass it here dude!"  I looked up as Nathan had his arms up waving itching to get that damn ball.  I rolled my eyes as Kyle hugged the ball tighter. 

He started to run at him and rammed him in the stomach the two fell hard on the cement which had them all laughing. "Dude, Kyle got muscles man! He morpheused your ass!" Kurt hollered. Nathan narrowed his eyes at the two. Fredrick was on the bench staring at them. He wasn't one for running but was damn good with catching and throwing the ball. 

"It's called lifting wanna try it blondey?" Kyle teased pinching his cheeks playfully and slapping them. He immediately punched him in the face which earned laughter from a surprising new guest.

I looked up at the slender guy with brown locks. His laughter was obnoxious and never seized. "Fatass, you actually got skinny?" Kyle snickered. It even made Fredrick laugh. Cartman didn't seem too pleased because what he did next was taboo. He punched Kyle in the gut which made him lean forward then he swiped his hat off of his head. He usually didn't wear it and I was wondering why today he wore it but I soon knew. His curly locks fell and his green eyes widened.

"Look at the stupid ginger!" He hollered laughing obnoxiously. I guess Cartman was unaware of the changes Kyle had gone through. He spent about a year at fat camp he didn't know the monster Kyle was now. Kyle clenched his fists trying to get the hat from Cartman. He went on his tippy toes his arm stretched out. "Nice try Jew but you're gonna have to try harder than that!" Even I had to admit it was funny watching him squirm for his hat. When the football jerks started to laugh though, Kyle broke. 

He made a 90 degree angle kicking his legs, making him fall on his ass. He didn't stop to take a breather he punched Cartman at least five times. He wasn't the one to respect the whole not below the belt rule. He was too much in the zone.  I counted at least fifteen. Fifteen blows to the stomach five to the head, full force at least. It left him unconscious.  Kyle was breathing hard, clenching his teeth. "I hate it too! I fucking hate it!" He screamed. The brunette groaned. He kicked him so he lay on his back. He lifted his leg laying it on his leg. "But I can't. I can't not anymore." I couldn't help watching anymore. I heard a slow pop making me jump. I had no control of it. I gripped his shoulder making him turn around to face me but I pulled him too hard because seconds later he was inches away.

I could feel our lips touch even if it was for a split second. He leaned his head back breaking our almost kiss. I tried stepping back as I stared at him. Both our faces were hot red. I could feel his breath tickle my face and I could see him shaking and his lip quivering. I bit my lip looking away. "Go to hell." It was the last thing he murmured before running away. He looked back for a split second and I swear I could see a blush. I stood there hot red but then looked back to Cartman.

They wheeled him in. The nurses were shouting as they tried getting contact with his mother. "Allergies! Does the boy have any allergies, we need to contact his mother!" They kept shouting things among the same line. He was screaming in his mind. Everything was black as they spoke.

"Mom's on vacation, I don't have any allergies, I don't have a dad." He was screaming the things over and over again. They needed to get contact with his guardian but they couldn't, he was all alone. He felt a sharp pain in his arm which made him whine. He wanted to fight them off but nothing was working he couldn't move. His toes moved but an excruciating pain followed. 

He had about enough. He put a hand on his left hand where the pain was. He tugged until the sharp pain was gone, beeping soon followed. The nurse was screaming again as the beeping increased. "Patient name?" She seemed frantic now, it was kind of scaring him. He started to cry, he wasn't sure how this happened. He was sobbing to himself screaming in his mind.

"Eric Cartman... Please, it's Eric Theodore Cartman..."

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