CHP08: Car Crashes

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Scared, must be the stupidest thing that ever left her dumb mouth. I looked down at Rebecca who was sitting on my lap. She seemed a little distracted, what was she thinking about? I pushed a loose strand of her curly brown locks behind her ear.  "What's wrong babe?" I whispered squeezing her ass. She blushed looking at me for a split second then going back to her fingers. I sighed throwing my head back. "You're no fun when you're upset, what's wrong?" I whispered. 

Rebecca P.O.V

What was wrong? Did I even know? I looked to my fiddling fingers again. It reminded me of her, of fucking ___. I sighed closing my eyes.

"Hey Becky! Becky!" She screamed. I rolled my eyes giving her a small smile. 

"Rebecca, ___ it's Rebecca!"  She smiled as she stood in front of me. I fixed my shirt as she fiddled with her fingers. "What is it?" I urged as a sudden blush overwhelmed her. She smiled big. I tilted my head waiting for her words. "I really hate those jerks! They messed with my hair again! That Kyle guy... He did it!" She pouted. I touched her hair making her pout.

"It's not that bad, ___. I mean I kinda like it when your hair covers a little of your eyes." I  smiled. She turend red looking away with her crossed arms.

"Really? Well... I had the same thought but... I will never agree with that jerk Kyle!" She stomped her foot which made me laugh.

"It's almost like you're a married couple." I giggled. It made her turn hot red. She shook her head over and over again.


Maybe that's what was wrong, that deep down I knew she was watching, she was waiting. I bit my lip looking away from him. How did the meek boy I fell in love with turn into this creative handsy prince? I blushed at my words, it described him well, I guess. "Hey Kyle?" I whispered. He put his forehead against mine.

"Yeah?" He whispered. I looked at him kind of pouting. 

"Well I was wondering, we don't really talk about the time we were apart..." As soon as the words left my mouth he smashed his lips against mine. He kissed me furiously for fifteen seconds. I was surprised but eased into it.

I smiled as we broke apart for air.  The smile quickly faded as I realized what he was doing. It was a way to make me feel useless to change things. To silence me. I repressed tears remembering the only other time I had ever felt so vulnerable and useless.

"Code 246, room 33! Hurry!" I gripped my shoulders rougher. Five nurses passed us. They entered the room and we soon followed. "Age?" The male who I presumed was the doctor asked.

My eyes widened at the body in front of him. It seemed so lifeless, so cold, so pale, the only form of life was the dark brown color in his hair. "Fourteen."  

"Name! Allergies, we need to be going faster!" He shouted. The nurses quickly scrambled around. In a matter of ten seconds they were able to attach seven different machines to him. He breathed with the help of a machine his left arm and right leg in casts. I was sobbing now.

"Mark." I gasped. The doctor's head jolted in my direction. 

"A kid! Get her out of here!" He shouted. I tried fighting them as they put me in their embrace. I even managed to bite one of the hoes.

"Mark! Mark! I love you don't leave me I'm sorry!" I shouted kicking and thrashing. 

"Live life while you can because you'll never know when it will be swiped out from under your feet." A tear fell from my cheek as I remembered Mark's first words he'd said after being released from the hospital. He would walk with a limp forever, he had trauma about driving, and lost his left eye and leg. That's why I was here, because I was done being that little girl who was homeschooled, I was done.  I looked back into Kyle's green eyes. "Why don't we talk about it?" I whispered. He smiled warmly kissing me again. Just as he did last time. This time I was done questioning him. I was living life, and I was alright with it.

Kyle P.O.V

When our lips left each other, I felt what she said. Her damn words... Her damn fucking words. They always had an impact on me. Scared, scared that Rebecca would never kiss me again? That after our lips left she'd never come back. I scoffed at it. I didn't fear anything anymore. No, I was done being the victim.  I wasn't a monster, and if I were, to defeat monsters we may become them, then so be it. I looked down at Rebecca as she buried her head into my chest letting out a cute yawn. If I was monster, then why, why did I feel so content with myself? I smiled about it, maybe it was because no one ever really made me stop. Maybe it was because I knew mom and dad didn't have that power over me. Maybe I was a monster because I was scared, scared that mom and dad were going to leave me. Even so, being a monster is reassuring because you have all the power that you need, and if I fall and burn, I'll bring them down too.

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