CHP12: Double Edged Sword

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The bell rang but I really didn't care. First period was wood shop like I was gonna need that crap. I really could've skipped ninth grade and gone to tenth. That's how smart I apparently was. I rolled my eyes, I was smart but I learned that it brought nothing but pain. I walked towards the bleachers where the guys were. They were busy lying on their asses in their plain white muscle shirts. I sighed thinking about yesterday. ___ was the only thing on my mind.  Maybe I hadn't seen it earlier or maybe I was blind to the fact that I had actually never hated her. I wanted to sit with them but they beat me to the punch.

 "Dude, Kyle! You terminated that asshole!" I looked to the blond jerk who patted my back. I sighed leaning back. I really didnt feel like being congratulated for kicking Cartman's ass.

A smile overwhelmed the blond as he stared at me getting annoyingly close. I shuffled around feeling awkward. Was this guy gay? I waved a hand in front of him but got no response. Finally being annoyed I turned to where he was standing. My mouth dropped and I fond myself blushing. "What the fuck?" I was sure I saw ___ here but after giving a second look I swear I was seeing double of Rebecca.

The one on the right had curly (h/c) hair, blue heels, and seemed to be wearing a skirt for a shirt. She wore short shorts and incredibly high heels. I swear there were ten pounds of make up on this chick. I swallowed hard but then looked back to Rebecca. She had her hair in two buns a short shirt, high heels, and her normal makeup. Soon enough ___ came over to us. Nathan was still staring with that goofy smile, Kurt was busy with a football  and Fredrick looked at them still smoking his cig unimpressed. I expected for the loser ___ to approach me first but she grabbed Nathan. Rebecca stood next to me grabbing my hand. I gripped her hand harder than I expected only realizing when she whined. The (h/c) haired girl pulled Nathan towards her kissing him. He wrapped his hands around her waist and I bit my lip as I let go of Rebecca's hand. I clenched my fist trying to lunge at him. Rebecca grabbed my hand pouting and Nathan broke away from her.

She brought her lips close to his ear which made me turn redder with rage. "I got better." I could read her lips as she whispered into his ear.  Nathan gave her that idiotic smooth smile. He pecked her lips once more.

"I can tell." He chuckled. I rolled my eyes stepping back. I crossed my arms narrowing my eyes at them. Fredrick was standing next to me he put his hand on my shoulder. I looked at him ready to punch him but his eyes seemed sympathetic. I sighed cringing my forehead.

Reader P.O.V

I made my decision yesterday. I was done being that girl who cried, done being that useless girl who never did what she wanted. Done with being who everyone thought I should be. I had to admit getting used to heels was a pain but not as bad as having to hang out with Rebecca to get the attention of the football jerks. 

After basically kissing the blond idiot I wanted to gag but I wasn't done playing yet. Not until I saw the look in Kyle's eyes. It was perfect but I couldn't help but feel a little bad. I tried to brush it off since it was finally time for revenge.

"What's the occassion?" Nathan whispered his hand going to my lower back. I held back my cringe. I stepped back winking to Nathan and blushing. It felt gross that I had to force all of this. Kyle stepped forward flicking me in the shirt.

"Look little miss ___ is trying to act like she's pretty." He teased. I cringed. Even after everything I was still nothing but a joke to him. I bit my lip looking away trying so hard not to cry. Why was I doing this? Seriously why was I even here? I didn't know if I meant in this school... or in this world.

I expected the football jerks to join in but what they did instead made me smile. "Dude, seriously not cool." Kurt hissed pushing Kyle. He gave a small  grunt almost falling but Fredrick quickly caught him wrapping his arms around his torso.

"That's no way to talk to a lady dude." He whispered. Kyle quickly broke away from him. I could see the frustration in his face which honestly felt good but quickly turned into guilt. Nathan flicked him in the head.

He laughed before he spoke. "Honestly they're called manners, learn them." That's what broke him. He raised his fist it came running to Nathan but stopped when it touched his nose.

"I'm out of here." He whispered walking off. I looked towards Kyle as he brushed past me. I caught a glimpse of his eyes. A shadow was cast on him his locks covering them. Tears, tears, that's what I saw when he walked away. I expected to feel great, to gloat about the feeling, to shove it in his smug face but all I felt was my own sorrow. I didn't know that the saying was so true I didn't know that revenge was a double edged sword.

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