"Lovegood? More like Hatebad."

Start from the beginning

"You know who believes that the most powerful one is the elder wand...that's why he wanted Dumbledore dead." Ethaline muttered quietly as the man said he was going to check on cookies.

"Is it just me or does something not feel right?" Ron asked, glancing around slightly, "Something about his doesn't feel right."

Hermione nodded, "Where's Luna? I doubt anyone would let their kids out when the war is happening."

"She's right," Harry muttered, all of them standing up at the same time.

"We should go," Ethaline said, beginning to walk down the stairs with her hand tucked beneath her robes as a precaution. She didn't even know that she was doing it as she walked down the spiral stairs, she didn't even know that Harry was only a step behind her with his hand on his own wand because he was also paranoid.

"Mr. Lovegood," Hermione said as they reached the final steps, "We'll be going now, thank you for—"

"No wait!" He said, stopping them. The crazed look in his eye was enough to make them even more uneasy as they glanced around the group. "You can't go yet—"

"Where is Luna?" Harry demanded, this time his tone lower as he lost his charm when it came with people. "Where is she?!"

"They took her!" The older man cried out in desperation as he clung onto a piece of fabric they recognized to be her scarf. "They took my sweet girl..,"

Ethaline paled, "When was the last time you saw her?! How long has she been gone?! Where did they take her?!" She began to flood the man with questions, her hands shaking slightly as she thought about what they would do to her.

"I don't know..." The man said while looking around the room disturbed as she barged him with more questions, "I don't know!" He yelled, silencing her.

"All...all I know is that I can use you...I can use you to get her back—she wouldn't survive my sweet daughter she wouldn't be able to handle—"

Harry pinched the bridge of his nose, "We'll find her—"

"No!" Xenophillius yelled, "Don't make it worse! I'll get her! I'll get her back all I have to do is say it..." he whispered, looking around the room for his wand, "All I have to do is say it—"

"Say what?!" Ron asked impatiently, his leg bouncing as he kept his eyes on the window to look outside.


Instantly the sky turned dark and the group of four panicked, "Ron grab Hermione—" Harry said, crouching down as the windows blew up and glass fell everywhere.

Ethaline looked back at the older man with a guilty expression, "We'll get her back, I understand you had to do this." She said as Harry yanked them out of the house that was being destroyed.

An evil cackle could be heard throughout, one that Ethaline recognized as she dodged a spell downing their way with a magical shield. The more she ran the more she pushed Hermione in the front, her heart racing with wordy as Ron did the same. All of them feared what would happen to her if they were ever caught.

Once far enough they grabbed each others limbs, whichever ones they could reach while running, and apparated away.

They landed on the ground with a light thud, their chests heaving as they tried to catch their breath. Harry was quick to check Ethaline as she rushed to check him. After doing so they turned to the others and made sure Hermione was okay.

"I'm...fine." She panted, giving them a faux reassuring smile.

"That slimy git!" Ron raged as he threw his pack down, "We can't trust no one can we—"

"He only did that because he supported us," Harry said, sighing as Ron rolled his eyes and shrugged before muttering curse words.

Ethaline looked around not recognizing the area, "Where are we?" She asked as Ron began to walk away to make the enchantments.

Ethaline grabbed her wand as she also began to utter enchantments when a snap was heard and the sound of leaves being stepped on from behind her made her stop. Everyone she knew was in front of her meaning...

"Didn't think you'd get away did you?"

Ethaline swallowed hard as she met their gaze. Six death eaters surrounded them, each of them starring them down like meat and they were experiencing a rebound hunger. For a moment no one moved before Ethaline uttered a quick spell and provided a distraction for them to run.

The ground below the death eaters erupted into flames, some burning and some apparating away before curing and calling her name as they began to run through the forest.

As she ran Ethaline thought about the fact that they needed to separate. They had to in order to escape them. Hermione was right in front of her, noticing Ethaline take a sharp turn before she yelled her name and went after her.


"I know what you're doing!" Hermione yelled, aiming her wand back and causing an explosion, "We're sticking together."

"A lovely sentiment!" They heard someone yell from behind them just as they reached a clearing where Ron and Harry had been cornered, "But a death sentence."

Just then Hermione caused a distraction giving Ethaline enough time to stun Harry with a jinx before hesitating to do it to herself. It wouldn't work anyway, her hair gave her away. That and she was the spitting image of the Malfoy family in one. Clearly disgusted with her genetic traits she allowed for them to chain them up.

Ron felt a little relieved, as well as Harry and Hermione, when Ethaline didn't make a fuss about the situation giving them hope. She was either working on a way to get them out or she was imagining how she was going to burn them, either way it was going to be a blood fest and the Trio was more than glad to allow it.

"We've been looking for you," Greyback said, his lips curling upwards into a mischievous smile as he caressed Ethaline's face.

She didn't flinch at his touch and kept the eye contact, taking the werewolf by surprise as he scoffed lightly and pulled away.

"Let's take them in."

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