"Lovegood? More like Hatebad."

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The group of four landed on the floor multiple feet away from the Lovegood residence, their eyes scanning the area as Ethaline quickly mapped out an escape route if they needed it. According to Harry, however, they didn't need one as Mr. Lovegood was an ally, not an enemy.

"Still," Ethaline told him, a grim look on her face, "We can never be too sure."

In order not to argue, Harry agreed with a nod and they made their way over to the house. Once they were at the door Ethaline knocked three times, her eyes trained into the sign that said, Xenophilkius Lovegood, editor or the Quibbler.

It was often that the man wrote about Ethaline, he painted her to be a saint or a figure to follow. Luna adored Ethaline, she was her friend without the constant need to speak or hang out. She just knew that if she ever needed Ethaline she would be right there for her and that's all that mattered.

"Y-Yes?" The blonde man said, his door opening a crack as he stuck his head out.

Ethaline let Harry take the lead in talking, he was the people person out of the two and she wasn't going to ruin it by opening her mouth and demanding answers. As the years went by not only did she lose her innocence but her patience. Merlin, how her life would be better if she had patience.

"Hello sir, I'm...well I'm Harry Potter and we met some time ago at the wedding. I was wondering if I could speak with you," Harry said gently, sensing something was wrong with the man.

Xenopillius hesitated before nodding, opening the door a little too eagerly, "Come in, come in."

"Thank you," Hermione said, a small smile on her face as they entered his house.

Xenophillius Lovegood led them up the stairs, making small talk along the way over how they were and how people were worried sick for them.

"We've been busy," Ethaline muttered, looking at the curious decorations with a small smile, "If I may, where is Luna?" She asked.

The man tensed slightly, "She's...she's out now." He muttered, tripping over his words as he sat them down by the put out fire. The more they looked the more they felt uneasy because of the mess. Luna was many wonderful things, but untidy wasn't one of them and she would never be in an untidy household unless she willed it to be that way.

Ethaline glanced over at a painting hanging by the fire, her face instantly lighting up just as Harry passed her the tray with burnt cookies, but stopped midway when he saw the blonde girl already on her feet again and looking up at it. "She kept it..." Ethaline muttered, the smile not fading as she skimmed the tips of her dings on it.

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