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The sound of Harry Potter screaming and being held back by Remus Lupin, the man who lived Sirius Black, would forever haunt Ethaline Malfoy.

As soon as that occurred, Bellatrix slipped away, her loud voice screaming that she had killed Sirius while Ethaline rushed to Harry's side, the physical and mental pain being forced aside as the boy clung to her arms and sobbed in her chest.

"I killed Sirius Black!"

Ethaline shook her head, "Harry stay—Harry!" He slipped from her arms and ran towards her aunt before Ethaline  ordered Azura to accompany her and followed after him despite the protests.

"Ethaline don't!" Tonks yelled, fearing she would lose her cousin even if she had no type of relationship with her whatsoever.

While everyone else recovered and they captured the death eaters, Ethaline found Harry aiming his wand at Bellatrix, his eyes looked to be deciding—ones she didn't recognize as a shiver went down her spine.

"Azura." Ethaline muttered and asked her to grow, having a bad feeling something was going to happen. Soon enough the dragon grew to its natural size, its head scraping the ceiling and knocking stuff down as she roared loudly.

Ethaline grabbed Harry's arm, her chest rising slowly as Azura waited for her command. Bellatrix laid on the ground, fear evident in her face as the dragon leaned over her, its claws holding her down. "Say the word." Ethaline  whispered.

Harry didn't move, "Do it." He replied, pure and utter hatred in his tone.

"Dracarys, I want her to feel it." Ethaline said, her tone also dark as the dragon roared in Bellatrix's face and let its saliva drip onto Bellatrix's arm.

The sound of her aunt screaming as the acid like liquid dripping into the right side of her face and down her arm didn't make them flinch, quite the opposite actually. Before Azura could do anything else a voice came up from behind them.

"What a marvelous creature." Voldemort said, an amused look on his face as Azura turned around and grabbed Bellatrix's arm with her claw before flinging Bellatrix's elsewhere.

"I knew you couldn't do it." Voldemort said to Harry before turning to Ethaline, "And neither could you. You have someone else do your work."

"Not all of us are sociopaths." Ethaline replied, her wand raised as Harry shielded her.

Voldemort didn't let the exchange go unnoticed, "Oh..." he cooed, "Young...fatal love." He said before his eyebrows furrowed and he glared at her in particular, "What a disappointment. You could have been great...you could have mattered." He said slowly.

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