ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀꜱ; ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴍɪɴᴇ | ᴅɪʟᴜᴄ ☁️ 2/3

Start from the beginning

    He shook his head. "No, no. Don't trouble yourself, love. They were menial tasks. I won't bore you with the details."

    You were a little taken aback, but you nodded. "Alright."

    You walked on in silence for a moment or two, and you reached up with your free hand to rub your thumb over your vision, a nervous tic. Diluc led you up the stairs, into the shopping district of Mondstadt. There were more people in the square, a few of them lingering around the fountain, chatting and enjoying the nice weather. You waved to Sara at Good Hunter, who waved back, smiling.

    You were led up the stairs again and past the windmill, admiring the boxes of fresh flowers that lined the streets, their lovely scent filling the air. You had no doubt that Flora most likely had something to do with arranging them. The restaurant was the talk of the town, only opening last month, but you and Diluc hadn't had the chance to eat there, yet. It was a well lit, posh place that only the city's more well off could afford to go to. The outside was decorated with boxes of cecelia flowers, an elegant sign hanging over the door. Golden light spilled from the windows, and Diluc opened the door for you, which made you smile.

    The inside was a well decorated chamber with deep wood floors and delicate white blooms painted on the walls in tiny, repeating patterns. Floral arrangements made juof windwheel asters, cecelias, and dandelions decorated the corners of the room. A crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling. Tables speckled the spacious floor, all covered in pristine tablecloths. Bouquets of fresh cecelia flowers acted as centerpieces. Couples and families sat at the tables, all dressed as elegantly as you and Diluc. Elegant mahogany staircases curved along the walls on either side of the room, leading up to another level of what you assumed were more tables.

    Diluc led you to the front where a man in a suit stood. He looked young, maybe in his early twenties, with a babyish face and wide blue eyes. A shock of white blonde hair was coiffed elegantly on his head.

    "Do you have a reservation?" He asked, and Diluc nodded.

    "Yes. I booked the table on the balcony."

    Recognition dawned on the young man's face. "Oh, yes, Master Diluc. This way, please."

    Diluc put his hand over yours where it sat on his arm, leading you up the stairs. The room above was just as stylishly decorated as the ground floor, and the far wall was made of paneled glass. An elegant set of French doors led out onto a balcony. This level was a bit more empty than the lower one, possibly because it was a slight bit more intimate. A handful of the tables were smaller with less room to be apart. Accompanying the bouquets on those tables were small white candles.

The waiter opened the balcony doors, and your breath caught in your throat. The table on the balcony was set for dinner. The center was adorned with fresh flowers, all Mondstadt specialties, arranged elegantly and filling the air with their perfume. It could only be the work of Flora. Candles burned on either side of the vase, casting warm light across the spotless tablecloth, glinting on the silverware. Diluc hurried over to one of the chairs and pulled it back. You sat down, folding your hands in your lap.

The view from the balcony showed the peaceful streets of Mondstadt, and funnily enough, you could see Angel's Share, bustling with its nightly patrons, upbeat music spilling from inside. Raucous laughter would erupt every now in then, or a cheer, adding to the ambiance of the night. Two men were swaying in front of the tavern, singing something that sounded like a sea shanty in slurring voices, their arms slung around one another's shoulders.

You picked up your menu and scanned the dishes, finally deciding on one you liked and informing the waiter of your choice. After he received Diluc's order, the waiter disappeared back through the French doors, leaving you alone.

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