Chapter 17: No Other Option

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It's been a week since you and Jimin first kissed in the back, and he always seemed to be the one thing that was on your mind. When you weren't working with him, or at school, you were texting, or he was coming over to your apartment to help you study.

In just a week, he has seamlessly worked his way into your daily routine and now he was one constant that you could always depend on.

It was kind of disgusting how easily you two shifted into domestic bliss, even though you weren't living together. It was almost like you two were a couple - at least you would be if he just asked you out on that goddamn date he kept talking about.

And it was starting to drive you completely insane.

You started trying to drop hints to him starting on Sunday. You for one had an awesome time on your "not date" after your shift on Sunday. Jimin stayed true to his word and followed you home, only to drive you around. You both went to a restaurant (different from the diner you have previously been to), and it would be a pretty romantic spot if only, you know, it was an actual date.

After your rather late lunch, you two strolled around together and you had to resist holding his hand, because until he asked you officially on a date, you would not make the first move.

You just didn't think it would take so gosh darn long.

You hadn't kissed him since the kiss(es) you shared in the back room, and you were itching to, you know, do it again. But, you were holding out until the elusive first date - whenever that would be, and Jimin seemed to have the same idea as you.

You were sitting on your couch, studying diligently while Jimin was cooking for you in the kitchen (you insisted he didn't have to do that, but he said that he didn't want you to get out of the zone with your studies. How sweet. It made you sick.)

You were jotting down notes while Jimin came down and sat beside you. He started to admire your concentrating face and it started to really irk you.

Like, come on. You obviously liked him, and he obviously liked you too (if the way he was looking at you right now was any indication), and you decided enough was enough. You slammed your pen down and turned to look at him. What you weren't expecting was to see him looking at you with so much fondness while you were looking at him in disdain.

He didn't seem affected by your unimpressed look. In fact, upon seeing it, he had a gentle smile that showed up on his face. The frown slash pout on your face deepend and Jimin chuckled.

"What's on your mind, love? Obviously not your studies." He chastised you - playfully of course, but you still felt your heart slightly increase, but not because of Jimin. Instead, you started thinking about what if he didn't actually like you, and what if this was just a convenience thing. He seemed to notice your change in expression and he immediately got concerned. "Hey, are you okay?" He brought his hand up to gently cup your face and started rubbing soothing circles in your cheek.

His touch calmed you almost immediately and you started feeling grounded again. Maybe letting him in wasn't such a bad thing.

But, back to the issue at hand.

You huffed, and your glare deepened. You could tell he was biting back a smile because he knew that whatever was going to come out of your mouth, it was bound to be ridiculous.

"Why haven't you asked me on a date yet?" It was supposed to come out angry but instead you sounded, pathetic actually. Typical.

You were worried that you had offended him in some way, that is until he broke out into a massive smile that made his eyes close.

Jimin's expression of peak happiness.

"Jeez, a guy tries making it special and it's still not good enough?" His tone was playful but you were confused - make it special? What the fuck was he talking about?


Jimin tried to contain his smile by biting his lip and your eyes were instantly drawn to them. He seemed to notice because he licked his lips and your mouth went dry.

"I want to make sure you're treated exactly how you deserve." He said gently and grabbed both of your hands. "So I didn't want to just ask you out. I wanted it to be special." His thumbs started rubbing the back of your hand and you started to realize that no matter how quickly you would start to feel anxiety, just a simple touch from Jimin could start to make you feel better. "Why do you think I insisted on cooking for you tonight?"


Oh no.

Did you wreck the surprise? Does Jimin hate you now?

By the genuine look on his face that he was giving you at the moment, you would probably have to say no.

Jimin seemed to notice the minimal change in your attitude (how could he do that so flawlessly?) and started rubbing the back of your hands with a bit more pressure. It was instantly soothing.

"Y/n," Jimin said with a serious tone in his voice. You glanced up at him and saw him looking at you intensely. Normally, the look in his eyes would probably make you shrink away and feel completely exposed, but you felt none of that - just an overwhelming sense of security and warmth. "Will you go on a date with me on Saturday night? Please?"

His voice was shaky - almost like he was nervous that you'd say no. "As if that would ever happen." You couldn't help but think. You noticed his hands start to feel clammy and you had to bite back a giggle. It was nice to know that you apparently had the same effect on him that he had on you.

"This isn't a joke, right? Like you're completely serious?" You could tell he was serious - his face said it all. But you couldn't help but want to tease him, just a bit.

"I don't think I've ever been more serious about anything in my entire life." This time when he responded, his voice was firm. It made your heart accelerate a bit, and you could feel your cheeks flush again. You gulped in an attempt to calm yourself down (but really, it didn't do anything at all).

"I don't think you're giving me the option to say anything other than yes." You slowly breathed out. You don't know why but this was probably one of the most tense situations you think you've ever been in. Jimin's stare was intense but you don't think you'd be able to look away, even if you wanted to.

Jimin seemed to take awhile to process that you had actually answered, but you could tell the moment that his brain absorbed your words, because his eyes went wide, and his hands slightly tightened on yours.

"Did-" the stability that was in his voice before was completely gone now, and it was kind of funny to you that you used to really dislike this guy. "Did you just say yes?"

You smiled. "Obviously."

He broke out into a huge smile and released your hands and used his hands to cup your jaw and plant his lips right on yours. When he released your lips, he smiled and placed his forehead right on yours.

"I don't think I've ever been more happy than I am at this moment." He smiled and you couldn't help but lean forward to kiss him again (oh come on, you've been waiting for this for a week."

"Me too, but I'm hungry now. So let's eat?" He smiled and led you into the kitchen where the food he prepared for you was waiting.

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