Chapter 6: Suck it, Jimin

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You weren't feeling the usual dread that you normally felt going into your shift the next day. You weren't sure where you and Jimin stood in terms of your relationship anymore, but at least you started feeling like it didn't have to be all competition, all the time.

It was nice.

At least it was until you walked into the restaurant saw Jimin flirting shamelessly with one of the other servers. Normally, this wouldn't bother you and it didn't, until you heard what was being said between the two of them.

"I heard you went out with Y/n last night, Jiminie." You could hear the pout in her voice and it made you annoyed (for a reason you weren't really sure of.)

Jimin chuckled and you saw him play with a section of her hair. "Gross," you thought. "I hope he washes his hands before serving tables, ya nasty."

"I promise it wasn't like what you think it was." She giggled and you mimicked the sound in your mind. This was not one of your most mature moments, you will admit.

"How come?" She giggled (gross). "Why is she still talking like she's pouting. There's no way that's cute." You couldn't help but think.

Honestly, you didn't know why you were so bitter towards her - she was actually a very nice person that you got along with very well, and a killer server. You were starting to think that anything having to do with Jimin just made you a downright petty bitch. Oops.

"She kept bothering me to go for dinner with her and I started feeling bad for her so I said yes." He was looking at her with sweet eyes and you had the sudden need to grab a spoon and gouge his eyes out.

Being the bigger person? Hm, we don't know her.

"So it wasn't a date?" She was playing with the buttons on his shirt and all you could think of was "get a room."

"Me? On a date with Y/n? Yeah, she wishes." There was something different in his voice and you couldn't pinpoint it, but you couldn't deny that comment cut you a little bit.

No, you didn't wish that you and Jimin would go on a date because you didn't like him like that. But any normal person would feel hurt at the implication that someone else wouldn't want to go on a date with them. It's more of an ego thing than anything else. Were you that horrible of a person?

You were busy collecting your thoughts and trying to recover a bit from a comment you weren't even supposed to hear, when you heard the booming voice of another server was heard behind you.

"Yo, Y/n! How're you doing?" You turned your head and smiled at the server speaking to you. The conversation between Jimin and the other server stopped and you were worried you were caught eavesdropping on them.

"I'm good, how are you? Ready to crush the shift?" You hoped that by responding cheerfully, you'd help push the negative thoughts aside and not be mopey anymore.

"Oh, fuck yeah bud! We're section buddies today." He threw his arm around you and started walking with you to the back so you could dump your belongings before starting your shift. You and him walked past Jimin and the other server and when you caught Jimin's eyes, he looked a touch panicked? But why the heck would he look like a deer caught in headlights. "Listen mi amigos, there's gonna be some of the servers coming over after for work for a small get together. Have some drinks, destress, the works. You're coming right?" He gave you a look and you thought about if you had anything to do.

Obviously, if he was saying it in front of Jimin, then Jimin was obviously invited and was probably going to come. If Jimin was going to come, there were extremely high odds he'd be a dick to you and make shit up about you (again) and did you really want to deal with that?

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