Chapter 19: No Rush

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You didn't really talk to Jimin much longer after breaking the news to him. To be fair, he did try everything he could to keep you from hanging up, but you just didn't have the energy at the moment to deal with anything. The good feelings you had at the beginning of the day had dwindled away and now you were stuck with dread and loneliness.

You took off your fancy date clothes and threw on some sweatpants and a hoodie. You want to take off your makeup because you knew you would definitely be crying a lot this evening, but you just couldn't be bothered.

With that, you threw yourself on the couch, wrapped yourself in a blanket and prepared yourself for a long night of crying.

About 15 minutes into your sob fest, you heard a rapid knock on your door and you were confused and a bit disorientated - why wouldn't you be? You have pretty much been crying hysterically since you got off the phone with Jimin. You did also find yourself annoyed - who the hell was bothering your pity and party right now?

You snuggled deeper into the couch cushions, thinking that maybe the person on the other side of the door would go away.

The knocking didn't stop though. In fact it got even faster and you figured for your own sanity, you should answer the door and quickly shoo the offending person away.

You quickly wiped the tears from your eyes (in a failed attempt to make yourself look normal) and cleared your throat to help stabilize your voice (spoiler alert - it didn't work). After one more deep breathe, you stood up and walked over to stop this stupid, senseless knocking on your door.

"What?" You grumbled as you opened the door. You kept your eyes down on the ground and relied on your hair to cover your face, so you wouldn't scare anyone with your running mascara and tear stained cheeks. You couldn't tell who was at the door, you only noticed a pair of converse and ripped skinny jeans which looked oddly familiar. Wait a gosh darn minute here...

"Y/n, please don't close me out." Jimin's desperate voice was heard and you were instantly confused. What the actual fuck was he doing here? And what did he mean, cut him out? You were mulling over the possibilities when you suddenly felt a pair of cool hands on your much warmer cheeks and your face was tilted up to look at him. His cheeks were flushed and he was breathing deeply. "Did he run all the way over here?" "Please, I'm begging you."

"What do you mean?" Your voice was shaky from the tears (told you clearing your throat didn't work) but you were completely unable to understand what on earth he was getting at.

"The last time you were hurting and upset, you went through it alone." He took a deep breath and tightened his grip on your cheeks - though, not enough to hurt you. Just enough to make you look a bit like a fish. "I care about you so much and the idea that you could be hurting alone kills me."

Jimin's eyes were wild and intense and to be frank, it didn't help with the anxiety. You didn't like that he was so affected by what was happening in your personal life. You didn't ever want to see him sad and upset.

Jimin looked at you with pleading eyes and you sniffled. You blinked rapidly because the tears were starting to obscure your view of him. "I'm sorry." You whispered out, unable to contain the emotions that were building up inside of you.

As soon as Jimin heard you speak in such a broken tone, his hands went from your cheeks and instantly his arms wrapped around you into a warm embrace as you choked out a sob.

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