Chapter 15: Big Mistake

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You didn't know how long Jimin kissed you for, but you knew it couldn't have been longer than maybe 30 seconds. All you knew is when he pulled away, you were completely and utterly breathless.

Like, you couldn't even think. That's how much of an effect that Park Jimin had on you and it was both exhilarating and terrifying to you. But strangely, even though you felt terrified, you didn't want to run away.

It was the kind of terrifying when you knew your world was about to be flipped upside down and there was nothing you could do to stop it. The kind of terrifying where you know that nothing would be the same after this one moment.

That kind of terrifying. And you were scared shitless.

You were a bit flattered when you saw Jimin's face and apparently you weren't the only one affected by that kiss. His face was flushed, his jaw slacked and his eyes were closed. He was taking deep breaths and you didn't think he ever looked so ethereal as he did in the moment.

He licked his lips, and if you were staring at his lips before (you promise you weren't) you sure as shit were now. It took every bit of self-restraint to not lunge forward and kiss those gorgeous lips of his again.

When Jimin finally opened his eyes and gazed at you in a way that you've never been stared at before. His gaze was hazy and looked a bit unfocused, but his eyes quickly closed in on your lips. You were sure they were more red than they were before - they had to be, especially after kissing the love of your life.

Oh shit, did you just say the love of your life? You meant to say, uh....

Well, you didn't really know what you were trying to say, but it sure wasn't that.

You didn't want to be the first one to talk (he kissed you, so he should make the first conversational move) so you just stayed silent while you two were blatantly checking each other out.

"So," Jimin said after what seemed like hours (you were being dramatic, it was probably only about 5 seconds of silence.) "That was a mistake."


That hurt.

You immediately deflated - any normal person would after hearing one of the most attractive men you've ever seen say that kissing you was a mistake. You cleared your throat in an attempt to keep the tears at bay, and flattened your skirt.

"Oh, okay then. I guess I'll go then." You didn't care if your voice was shaky at that moment - you just had to get out of there. Suddenly, the room felt 10 times smaller than it was and the air was suffocating.

You pushed past him but before you could leave, you felt a hand grab your wrist and spin you back around. Jimin's face showed a ton of concern, but why would he be worried when he was the one who said that kissing you was a mistake.

"Please don't leave yet." His voice broke, and it took everything in you (and then some) to not forgive him right away.

"I have to go check on my tables." You tried pulling your wrist away, but Jimin used the wrist he was holding captive as leverage to pull you into his chest. Once you were close to him, he released your wrist and wrapped his arm around your waist instead. His head came down to rest on your forehead and he had a small smile on his face.

"Not before you let me finish, princess." You were curious - what did he mean let him finish? What more was there to say? "The only reason kissing you would be considered a mistake," He whispered as he moved his mouth closer to yours. His breath smelt like coffee, and a touch of mint and normally that would be a disgusting combination. However, you apparently were unable to consider anything involving Jimin to be disgusting. "is because now I will not be able to think about anything else, besides how perfect your lips are."

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