Chapter 18: Last Minute Cancellation

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The date was set for Saturday, and so you had one full day to prepare and you felt like it still was not enough. Like, come on - you were going on a date with the Park Jimin. This was the guy that you hated for the majority of the time you've known him and now apparently you're head over heels for him.

Crazy how fast life changes, eh?

You couldn't focus on anything come Friday - school was just a blur to you and you were on auto-pilot throughout your shift Friday evening.

The only thing you could think about was Jimin and your date. It was ridiculous - you spent an entire week fantasizing all week about you and him going on a date and now that it was so close to being here, you were so nervous.

You could tell that Jimin was able to sense your nerves because if you were honest, you weren't being conspicuous about it). Every time he glanced at you, you blushed and looked away immediately and you would immediately cringe at yourself.

It was getting to be super embarrassing.

Every time he would walk past you, he would blatantly check you out, or wink at you or lick those stupid, addicting lips of his. It got so bad that at one point, you asked to casually speak to him in the back briefly. When you both got to the back room, you pushed him against the wall and kissed him hard. So hard that when you pulled away, all Jimin could seem to do was take a deep breath with flushed cheeks and breathed out a 'wow.'

You walked out of the back room feeling much better (you don't think you could say the same thing about Jimin). For the remainder of the shift, it seemed that you and Jimin seemed to reverse roles. While you were calm and collected, Jimin seemed to be a complete mess.

He came up to you multiple times throughout the shift and would ask you to go to the back room to, uh, talk (his words, not yours) and every time, you would smirk. It was a satisfying feeling knowing that you could affect him as much as he did to you. Suck it Park Jimin.

You (notoriously) had a bit of a mean streak towards Jimin - hm, who woulda thought? - and so whenever poor, sweet Jimin would come over you to ask to "talk" in the back room and you would just smile and say:

"I'm sorry baby. My section is really busy right now."

The added cherry on top was the small pout on your lips (that his eyes were instantly drawn to) and lightly brushing past him, while not being afraid to gently pat his chest. The dejected look on his face was reward enough.

Check and mate.

You started feeling a little bad near the end of your shift about teasing Jimin (the poor guy looked like someone had kicked his puppy), but it didn't stop you from smiling constantly. This playful banter between the two of you reminded you of when you and Jimin first started working together.

Back then, the comments you two would speak to each other were not said in fondness and in playful teasing. Before, all comments were made out of spite.

You didn't even think it was possible for you to think about Jimin with any sort of spite now. That's how whipped you were for him. It was actually kind of nice.

When you finished your shift on Friday, you were preparing to leave as soon as you could. You had a fair bit of homework to do and you knew that you wouldn't be able to focus on it tomorrow - not while anticipating your date.

Jimin was checking his phone when you snuck out of the bathroom after just changing. You caught his eyes looking at you up and down (this boy was shameless) but you didn't mind. In fact, you rather liked the attention he was giving you.

"Heading out, love?" Jimin asked as he leaned against the locker. He was the closing server, so he wouldn't be off for another few hours at least.

"Yeah, I have some homework I want to get done before tomorrow night." You walked to stand close to him, and he lightly took some of your hair between his fingers and gently started twirling it.

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"Oh? Big plans for tomorrow then?" You blushed as he started leaning closer to you, his eyes constantly darting from your eyes to your lips.

"Not really. Just hanging out with a guy that's kind of obsessed with me." You took a deep breath and could smell Jimin's cologne. It made you subtly lean in closer (which didn't go unnoticed by Jimin).

"Hm, sounds awful. You should ditch him." He was bringing his head closer to yours. He had a slight smirk on his lips and you wanted to wipe it off his face. With your lips. Wait, what?

"Nah, I'll stick with it. I might get a free dinner out of it." He chuckled and lightly kissed your cheek - so, so close to your lips, and you grabbed his shirt to pull him just that much closer to you. Apparently, it still wasn't close enough.

"Is that all I am to you? A free dinner?" You knew he wasn't actually hurt by what you said - he had a teasing tone to his voice and the smirk on his mouth gave it away. You shrugged your shoulders in response. "Maybe I can do something to change your mind?" He leaned forward and his lips were so close to touching yours, when suddenly, the mood was suddenly ruined:

"Hey Jimin, table 43 needs refills!"

You had to really bite back a chuckle as Jimin groaned and pulled away from you in order to shout back an 'okay!'

"Guess I need to get going." He said but he made no attempt to move.

"Probably a good idea. I'd hate for you to miss out on any tips tonight." He laughed in disbelief.

"Well, that's awfully kind of you." He said while giving you a massive smile. "What's the catch?"

You kissed him softly and he kissed you back eagerly. (considering he'd been waiting for a few hours. Poor him.) You pulled away and out of his arms and turned around to leave.

"How else are you going to pay for our date?" You said over your shoulder, and you left the restaurant with Jimin's loud laughter filling your ears.


You woke up on Saturday morning in good spirits - it was a beautiful day, you had a full night's rest and you didn't work today. You finished all your homework when you got home last night so really, the only thing left for you to do was get ready for your date with Jimin.

It was still early (like, 10am) so you decided to wash your hair now as you could not stand blow drying your hair and would much rather air dry it.

40 minutes later (come on, you had to wash your hair and shave your legs) and you were out of the shower with a fresh cup of coffee and a smile on your face as you texted Jimin. He was picking you up at around 6 for your date so you decided to just enjoy the day for a bit before tackling hair and make up.

4pm hit and you figured it was time to start getting ready. Your hair was frizzy as heck, but at least it was dry and luckily, you were having a good skin day too so getting ready wasn't as bad as you were anticipating.

At 5:15, your hair was done, and your makeup was done, and you were singing and dancing to yourself in the mirror to shake off some existing nerves. The music playing on your phone suddenly paused as your phone started to ring and you quickly answered without paying attention to who was calling.

You listened intently to the call with bated breath and a pounding hair. The words that were spoken made anxiety stir in your chest and suddenly, you felt like you couldn't breathe. The line clicked dead, and your hands were shaking, but you had to make one call.

You quickly went to your contacts, and selected the person and waited as the phone rang.

"Hello?" The voice on the other side of the phone answered and even though that voice was usually the one thing to calm you down, right now it did nothing to soothe the anxiety that was building. "Y/n? What's wrong, love?"

"I have to cancel our date." You quickly breathed out. You probably shouldn't because it would help you take your mind off of things but you weren't able to think straight at that moment.

"What? Why?" Jimin immediately sounded panicked, but he had good reason to. Less than an hour to your date and you're suddenly backing out?

"Jimin." Your voice cracked with unshed tears. "My grandma just died."

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