Chapter 10: Rock, Meet Bottom

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You all but ran out of the restaurant when you finished your shift. It seemed that everywhere you turned, Jimin was there (well duh, you guys had sections right beside each other) but his presence was stressing you out.

Honestly, he made you so mad. Why did he have to pick (of all weeks) this week - your Hell Week and also the week your grandmother has fallen ill, to decide to be nice and caring and mess with your feelings. You could slap him with how mad you were - maybe also kiss him. But definitely slap him first.

You knew that you couldn't necessarily blame Jimin for the timing - after all, he had no way of knowing that you felt like your world was spinning out of control and there was nothing that you could do to stop it. He had no idea how confused and overwhelmed you were feeling, and how his sweet looks, words and touches made your heart pound, butterflies erupt in your tummy, and squeeze all the air out of your lungs at the same time.

Is this what liking someone feels like? If so, is there a place for you to return these feelings that you apparently have for Jimin (that are most definitely not hatred anymore)? You never signed up for this.

As soon as you walked through the door of your apartment, you threw your work bag and furiously rubbed at your poor, dry, exhausted eyes, not giving two shits if your makeup was getting messed up. You weren't going anywhere and you had no intentions of seeing anyone else so as far as you were concerned, your makeup could stuff it.

You were starting to get hungry (a good sign - that was meaning the anxiety was slowing down for your body to actually recognize it's other needs) and you felt so exhausted all of the sudden. All you wanted to do was eat and then pass the heck out until next week and pray that this day had just been an awful dream.

You weren't able to do that however, because this wasn't a dream and you still had a midterm tomorrow and an essay due the next day. You wanted to cry but you needed to be completely focused so that was out of the question.

Cooking was going to require too much energy so you grabbed a bowl and made yourself a hearty serving of Froot Loops and got ready to use up your last bit of sanity and brain power to push through the majority of the essay that was due.

You don't know how long you were at it for (actually, you were surprised you were able to stay focused for so long on one thing) but your eyes felt about as dry as the Sahara desert when you finally looked away from your screen. Your heart rate had slowed down incredibly and you were able to finally take a deep satisfying breath and you started to think that maybe things weren't as bad as you were feeling like they were.

You glanced at the clock and grimaced when you saw it was about 12:30am - you had a midterm at 10:30am so you figured that you should probably go to sleep to ensure you were well-rested.

After a quick shower (because you knew you wouldn't want to have one when you woke up in the morning), you set your alarm and sunk into the mattress and passed the fuck out all night long.


Your blaring alarm woke you up the next morning and you groaned because you actually had a dreamless sleep (which is the last thing you expected after how stressed you were all day yesterday) and you did not want to wake up at all.

Your eyes were tired (and probably hella bloodshot too) and you had a bit of a headache, but overall, your heart was beating at a normal BPM and you were able to take a full, satisfying breath so you were already in better standing than you were yesterday.

You stretched and smiled when you heard your back pop. You needed to brush your teeth (your mouth was hella dry from the anxiety) and some coffee and you would be feeling almost completely back to normal.

A Little Bit Yours • Park JiminWhere stories live. Discover now