Hope is a Dangerous Thing

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25 Dec, 2021

"No!" Eve screamed, and Bunny gave a shrill shriek. The bullet flew through the air as if it were in slow motion, and Bunny flung her arms up to protect herself. She closed her eyes, and prepared to die. But to her complete shock, she felt not the swift, cold sensation of death, but rather a physical, vivid shove to the side.

Horrified, she looked up and saw Eve standing where she just stood, a bloodstain in the centre of her chest. She fell to the ground like an empty husk, and Bunny was left staring at her lifeless eyes. Liam cried out in terror, falling beside his sister's corpse, and Felucca clapped his hand to his mouth. Phy shuddered backwards, shaking, before dropping the gun and running away.

Liam started to sob, and Bunny sat up tearfully. Felucca crouched beside them, and bowed his head. Bunny eked out a "Thank you," to Eve, before collapsing into tears along with Liam. Felucca frowned and walked outside before returning with Mary's body, placing it gently in between where Helios and Eve lay.

And then they heard Bojan cackling, and the three turned to face him. He had not moved, in all of the time he could have. He had simply sat, and watched. And now he was laughing. Feluuca's face turned to one of anger, and he stormed towards his father, picking the wounded man up and dragging him away.

Once they were down the hall beside Pandora and Tom, and out of earshot of Liam and Bunny, the man pushed his father against a wall and stared down the barrel of his eyes, searching for an answer. "You absolute piece of shit," he scoffed. "You're enjoying this, aren't you? You - you never actually cared about bringing the Gods back. All you wanted was to see chaos ensue, and ensure you were the all-knowing at the head of the room. That's why the Book intrigued you so much, wasn't it? You, as always, were just being a selfish piece of shit."

"Ha!" Bojan laughed. "Of course I cared not about the plan, how hollow do you think I was? That was what fueled me at first, yes, but then I met Helios. And - and he was beautiful. He was my love, the only one I dared do shit for. And now your little countermoves to try saving that fucking woman have caused him to die. We had a plan, you know? Tonight was going to be spectacular, we were going to have dinner for the last time. I looked forward to tonight more than I ever looked forward to what was going to happen tomorrow. And now you've fucking taken all of that from me. I have only one thing left that drives me, one fuel. To kill those who caused the catastrophe, and let them all burn in the gates of hell."

"Yeah right," Felucca rolled his eyes. "Like you'd ever get the fucking chance. You're going to go to prison now, since we don't have any bullets left. And you're going to admit to killing all of them. Mary, Helios, Eve, Andre, Shona, Phil, Chris, Chloe, Leslie. All of them. Because you fucking did kill them. Even if you didn't pull the trigger, we all know that you're the one who fucking caused them to die. And you're going to fucking admit to it. Have fun with life in prison."

"Why?" His father questioned with a grin. "Why would I ever admit to it? Me and Helios were the ones who covered it all up, for fuck's sake! We're the reason the cops never got you for killing Leslie. We're the reason they never got Liam for killing Chirstina, or Bunny for killing Andre. We fucking helped you the whole fucking way, and this is the response? Anyway, that doesn't fucking matter anymore. Just tell me, why would I admit to it?"

"Because, dad," Felucca lent in and grinned a little himself. "If you don't I'll tell the others that you lied. I'll tell them that the shepherd's son never actually fused with Helios in order to create Zenith and Luna. Pretty much, Pandora and I aren't actually half siblings. You lied to break us up. You needed us to break up so you could indoctrinate me, you piece of shit, so that I could play my part. You fucking lied, and I will not hesitate to tell them if you don't fucking confess to doing all of it."

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