Children of the Shepherd's Son

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16 Jun, 1991


"Oh, fuck, Phil!" I moaned. "Oh, fuck me hard, Phil!"

We both climaxed, and panted in bed beside each other. I smiled gently at him. I was happy. Twenty six years old, and I was having the time of my fucking life.

A thought came into my head, for no particular reason, about Phy. Ever since Phil gave him that speech that I never liked Phy and that he should move on, he's barely been in our lives. We've seen him once or twice, but Phil really must have brought the hammer down on him.

His wedding is meant to be in a couple weeks, with some girl he met named Shona. When I first heard it I assumed it was a negro name, but Phy assured Phil that she was white. I don't think it's fair, the way negros are treated in this world. But because they are, it would tear down the reputation of any white person wanting to marry one.

At least she's white, so we don't have to worry about any issues like that. My husband's brother sure chose well.


31 Mar, 2021


Holy fuck. Holy fucking fuck. It makes no sense - but I know it's true. Just like I knew Bunny was my daughter - but how? What the actual fucking fuck is going on?

So I'm the daughter of the shepherd's son. He made me - so I must be his daughter, right? But he then fused with Helios - they were quite literally one in the same. But what if Bojan was slightly wrong? What if they fused beforehand? How else would the shepherd's son actually be able to create anything?

If they did, that would make Helios my father too. Or rather, mother? Bojan said Helios does not have a gender, but the shepherd's son is by-definition, a male. So if the shepherd's son is my father, that would make Helios my mother. It only makes sense. Oh, but it doesn't.

And humanity was the result of Moon raping Rax, even though Luna was the one to technically birth them. Does that make me like - an aunt to all of humanity? Does Luna count as being the mother?

Holy shit, that's right. Luna is Mary. Mum is my fucking sister. What the actual fucking fuck, what the fucking fuck?!

Bojan and Felucca started yelling at each other about something, but I simply ran away. I didn't know where to go - so I went to Mum's house. She must know what's going on, right? She's Mum, for crying out loud. She opened the door and I rushed in. She had to know.

She had to know everything.


10 Aug, 2021


I picked up the phone peacefully, and listened.

"Hey uh, Eve?" Liam's voice chimed.

"Yeah?" I responded.

"Listen, I gotta tell you something," his voice seemed shaken, broken even. "Can you come by?"

"Fine," I sighed, and hung up. This was the first time in a long time that he'd actually spoken to me. I wasn't fully interested - but a certain part of me was mildly curious. So, I got my stuff and left.


31 Mar, 2021


What the fucking fuck. This whole thing is fucking fucked! I shouted at my father, demanding him tell us the truth. It couldn't be real - but I knew that it was. Pandora ran off behind me, and Eve tried to calm down the situation. Father simply grinned slyly, and all at once I hated him with every fibre of my body.

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