18 | she's the magnet of her heart

Start from the beginning

"Okay, I'll let you know details when it's closer to the event, if that's fine with you?" Yongsun asks, typing something into her phone.

"Sure, just let me know," Hyoyeon grins widely, resorting to packing her belongings. "Have a great day, girls."

Yongsun and Byulyi respectfully deliver a bow to the woman before turning around to start to head out of the class. Yongsun seemed to be in a quite rush𑁋probably busy preparing for prom, as that what it seemed like𑁋however the girl took a moment to notice Wheein sitting at the desk and sent a smile in her direction, with Wheen shyly waving as a response. Byulyi, on the other hand, approaches her once again.

"You know, the motorcycle offer is still on." she says, winking and clicking her tongue. And before Wheein had any chance to response, the girl just rushes out of the classroom to catch up with Yongsun.

Wheein blinks a couple of times, slowly shifting her focus back towards Hyoyeon.

"Wh-What was that all about, unnie?"

Hyoyeon just snickers, "Well, I'd thought it would be nice to contributing to helping set up for the prom that's always heavily advertised every single year. Setting up music and all that stuff. Perhaps I'd be the DJ for this prom."

"Oh," Wheein nods understandingly, unfazed by the considerate attitude of the woman. Hyoyeon had always been very caring and humourously blunt to everyone around her, and it never failed to bring a smile to people's face. "You're too nice, unnie."

"Hey, I can be mean sometimes. And scary too," Hyoyeon chuckles, running a hand through her dyed strands. "To my students, I can be mean. Sometimes. You know?"

"No, I don't know." Wheein playfully shakes her head, struggling a smile to her lips.

Hyoyeon adjusts herself in the seat next to her. "How's your grandmother been doing? Has the recent coughing worsened?"

The smile fades off of Wheein's face. The thought of her grandmother seizes through her mind, and it definitely wasn't in a positive way. She couldn't deny the fact that recently her grandmother had been featuring some mild outbursts of coughing, even during the middle of the night at some points. Wheein knew that time was passing by more quicker than usual, and she hated it. Absolutely hated it.

She hated fighting herself while those around her were fighting to even stay alive.

"A little," she murmurs quietly, running a hand through her hair and parting her bangs significantly apart. "I'm... I'm tired, unnie. I-I'm really tired. I just want to sleep... even for just an hour. I just... I just want to sleep..."

"I know," Hyoyeon takes the girl into her arms, Wheein easily relaxing into the woman's warm embrace, reminding of Hyejin's hold of her. "I'll come by tonight, alright? And if needed, I'll spend the night or maybe even the weekend. Will that be fine with you?"

Wheein nods in reply, a low sigh dragging away from her. Her own insomnia had worsened through the days as well. Her mind was kept active at almost all hours of the day, seemingly giving her little-to-no self-control to be able to shut it off for just a few hours. Her mind had been racing with constant worries and thoughts of doubting her own abilities to take care of those around her, while also dealing with herself, and it was just so hard to be able to relieve them away.

"Is that why you came in here today?" Hyoyeon asks after a few moments, allowing for Wheein to separate from her arms.

Wheein rests her head on the cool surface of the table against her warm cheeks.

"I-I'm thinking... I'm thinking about telling everything. Telling everything to Hyejin... about how I, um, how I feel, because she..." Her voice trails off for a moment as she rekindles the events that occurred back in class. "I don't like seeing her think bad of herself. I-I don't like seeing all those people talk mean things behind her back. Because while everyone here doesn't like her, I like her. I-I like her a lot. I don't want to see her suffer."

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