Chapter Seven

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▎𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐞 𝐖𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐲 ▎

After the very long ride on the Hogwarts train, Rose and her friends finally make it to the school castle. All the students gathered in the great hall were sitting down at their house tables waiting for the sorting to happen and after that is done, Dumbledore then makes his annual speech before he lets the students eat the huge feast that lays all down house's tables.

"Can he hurry up already? I'm starving!" Ron whines while he dramatically rubs his stomach. "Merlin Ronald! You ate not that long ago. Stop your whining and be patient." Hermione scolds Ron rolls his eyes at the smart witch.

"Shh, I think he is about to start his speech," Rose says to Ron and Hermione who only ignores the older girl as they bicker back and forth with each other. The hall turns silent as Dumbledore stands up and makes his way to the podium. "Welcome back fellow students and new ones. I hope you all had a wonderful summer holiday. Now there are a few things that I need to address before the feast begins." He says and the twins and Ron groan together, which makes Hermione whip her head around to them and give them each her death glare. "As of always, the forbidden Forest is forbidden for any student to go in. There also won't be any quidditch this year." All the students apart from the first years all shout in anger at the headmaster. "Silence!" Dumbledore shouts and everyone soon shuts up. 

"Now that we are all sorted, I would like to make an announcement. This castle will not only be your home this year but will be home to some special guests as well. Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event. The Tri-Wizzard tournament. Now for those who don't know, the Tri-Wizzard tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests. From each school, a single contestant is selected to compete. Now let me be clear, when chosen you stand alone. And trust me when I say this contest is not for the faint-hearted. These two schools will arrive at Hogwarts in October on Halloween night. Now that's all I have to say, you may dig in." Students waste no time on eating the food.

 Ron greedily places different foods onto his plate and shoves them in his mouth. Hermione looks at him in disgust as he does this. "Oh, I can't wait for the schools to come. I bet the French girls are super hot." Fred claps his hands rubbing them together all excited.

"It's like you have read my mind, Fred!" George says to him with a smirk on his face. Rose rolls her eyes at her two best friends and laugh really loud. "Oh please like any of the French girls will go for you Weasleys!" She tells them and both of them slap the back of her head playfully and laugh.

"Ow, you gits! I'm only stating the facts here, no need to hit me." Rose whines out and the two redheads continue to laugh at her. "It is a shame though that quidditch is canceled this year. I really wanted to kick Slytherin's ass. Just like every year" She says making everyone in the friend group laugh, a few people stop eating and glance over to them.

"You always kick their arses every year," Hermione lets out a chuckle. "Yes I know that, but I love hearing Malfoy bitch and moan about us beating him every year!" Rose chuckles and looks over to the Slytherin table, her grey eyes finding Malfoy who is talking to his friends with a scowl on his face. "Wait until my father hears about this!" Fred mimicked Draco using a high-pitched voice and everyone burst into laughter at his impression of Malfoy.

"Guys I'm so full I don't think I'm going to have any pudding," Rose groans, and a few of them agree as they rub their full bellies. Not long dinner vanished and pudding was replaced. She was not surprised when Ron begins to dig in and take what he can get. How does he never get fat is a question no one will ever know the answer to.

Not long after everyone has finished the puddings and they all disappear from the table. Dumbledore makes his way back to the podium. "You are all dismissed to retire to your house towers." Students then get up from their tables and leave the great hall to go to their beds.

Rose gets up from the Gryfindor table along with her friends and they leave the great hall and head on up to the Griffindor tower excited to finally go to bed. Ginny Hermione walks beside Rose while the four boys walk behind them having conversations amongst themselves. She lets out a loud groan when they come to the bottom of the many stairs that likes to move. "I can't believe we will have hot guys turning up to our school for the tournament!" Ginny excitedly say while jumping up and down. Rose chuckles while Hermione rolls her eyes but smiles.

"Ginny I did not just hear you talk about the so-called "hot boys" that are going to arrive at school soon. What about poor little Harry here? Don't you believe he's hot?" Fred butts into the girl's conversation. Ginny's face turns bright red in embarrassment and anger. "Fred if you don't shut the fuck up I will give you the worse hex there is!" She barks at Fred who only laughs alongside his twin and Ron. Poor Harry doesn't know what to say, the poor kid is bright red too.

The group makes it to the painting portrait that is their way to get into the Gryffindor house. One of the Gryfindor perfects says the password to the fat lady in the painting who lets the students in and out of the house. "Ugh time to unpack girls." Rose groans and lets her body slump against Ginny who rolls her eyes and pushes the girl off of her. Rose was really lucky that she got to share a dormitory with Ginny and Hermione. Everyone else had four girls each in their dormitories except them. 

"Did I tell you guys that I hate unpacking?" Rose says to the two girls. Both Hermione and Ginny rolled their eyes at Rose. "Rosie you do this like every time we come back to Hogwarts," Ginny blandly states. "It's the truth though," The witch says to her with a dramatic sigh falling onto the common room couch. "Rosie, Rosie, Rosie. When will you admit that you are one lazy woman?" George tsks at the said lazy girl shaking his head with a smirk on his face. "NEVER!" once again Rose dramatically says loudly. The boys laugh and the two girls walk over to her and roughly grab Rose by her arms and drag her ass up the stairs to their dorm room.

The trio hear the laughter of the boys and a few other students who had witnessed this whole thing. They push Rose through the door into their room laughing as they watch as her ass hits the floor. "Thanks," She mumbled under her breath and push herself up off the floor rubbing her now sore ass. Rose walks across the room to where her bed is and started to unpack the trunk that is laying on her bed. Once everything is in place she then stashes my trunk under her bed and proceeds to jump on her bed letting out a loud sigh. It's good to be back, more specifically back to sleeping on this comfortable bed.

Rose feels though as something is missing, no not something. More like someone, who is a certain older redhead. Spending her time at the burrow for the summer definitely was interesting. She finally got to meet Charlie Weasley and both of them had gotten close during her time staying there. Maybe Rose should write to Charlie and see how he is? But she doesn't want to look desperate by sending him an owl right now. She battles herself debating if she should write to him now or wait a few more days.

"I can hear the wheels turning in your head. What's going on?" Hermione asked the girl as she peered over her enormous book about the history of Hogwarts. "Nothing just thinking about nothing important. I'm tired I should go to sleep."  A yawn escapes Rose's mouth. Hermione and Ginny let out a chuckle. The three girls bid each other a good night, Once Rose's head hits her fluffy pillows sleeps quickly overtakes her.

☾. °. .☾. °. .☾. °. .




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