Chapter Six

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▎𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐞 𝐖𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐲 ▎

Rose wakes up from being too hot, the girl forgot where she was for a second before she saw a muscular arm wrapped around her waist. Rose's back is now against Charlie's chest, they must have changed sleeping positions while they slept during the night. She takes a deep breath in and tried to pry his strong arm off of her, Rose struggles a little bit since his arm was wrapped around her tightly and she didn't want to move too much to wake him up.

She slowly turns her head slowly to have a wee glance at the sleepy man behind her. Charlie looks so peaceful in his sleep and even more handsome if that's even possible. Maybe he had a sixth sense because he opens his eyes slowly and Rose blushes from being caught like a deer in a headlight staring at him. God, she bet she looked like a weirdo watching him sleep, he must think that she is a crazy girl watching as he sleeps, even if it was for a brief moment.

"Morning love." His voice comes out deep and raspy from only just waking up. "Morning sorry I didn't mean to wake you," Rose says shyly and he chuckles. Charlie then unwraps his arm around her waist letting them both get out of the bed. She watches him as he walks over to his bag to pick out clothes for the day.

Charlie chooses a white t-shirt and some black sweat pants. He puts on a white t-shirt since he was already shirtless, to begin with, and he then slowly pulls his pants down. Rose quickly avert her eyes anywhere in the room and not at him. "Like the view?" Charlie cockily says and that only makes the girl's face turn bright red. "I'll give you some privacy. Plus I need to get dressed too." She chokes out quickly and scurries over to her bag and picked her clothing for the day. Rose then walks into the bathroom without looking at Charlie knowing that he has a big fat smirk on his face enjoying how flustered she was right now.

She closes the door of the bathroom and leaned her whole body against it taking deep breathes trying to calm down the butterflies that have erupted in her stomach. Once she finished taking a few deep breaths she then pushes herself off the bathroom door and started to get dressed, Rose had picked out a purple tank top with a low cut that shows her boobs, or rather what boobs she does have, and blue ripped jeans that show off her decent size ass.

She walks out of the bathroom and Charlie is nowhere to be found in the bedroom. the witch guesses he decided to go and get breakfast and meet up with the others, leaving her to herself in the room. Rose made sure that her bag is packed and everything is where it should be, she doesn't want to forget anything that she might need. Once everything is sorted, Rose decided to join everyone for breakfast. When she walks into the very large part of the tent, everyone is laughing around the table. All sorts of breakfast foods are laid out all over the table and it definitely makes it harder to choose what to have.

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