18- Wall of Safety

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Rico gestured to the wall, "We're here, and now it's time to destroy that drill."

Aang nodded.

Sokka started giving instructions, and stated his plan.

Toph nodded, "Let's go save Ba Sing Se!"

Luna looked over, "We're all just okay with this? That if we fail Ba Sing Se will be captured?"

Everyone nodded. Aang said, "I don't see the problem."

Luna sighed, "Let's go then."

Luna walked into the engine room, water whip in her hand, "Okay what do we do now, Sokka?"

Sokka sighed, "We need a layout of some sort or something!"

Luna sighed, looking at the small group.

Rico And Toph had stayed behind.

Luna thought that Rico might have a teeny crush on Toph and Toph might slightly like Rico.

Sokka finally thought of a idea. It's almost like a little light bulb was above his head, "We break something!"

Luna shook her head, "Why would we do that?"

Sokka said, "When things break, engineers come to fix them!"

Luna caught on, "And engineers have layouts! Sokka you're a genius!"

Sokka nodded, "I get called that a lot."

Luna tilted her head, "A genius?"

Sokka shook his head, "Yep!"

Luna snorted, "You must talk to a lot of liars then."

Katara sighed, shaking her head, "You are both so annoying."

Luna turned. She said, sarcastically, "Hey! I'm your princess!"

Katara snorted, "Okay then, banish me."

Luna giggled, walking away with the others.

Luna sliced at the metal beams. Katara wiped sweat off her brow, "We can't keep doing this! We're running out of energy and we've barely done one!"

Sokka shrugged, "Let me think."

Luna tried to think of a idea but couldn't. Then, she thought of a great idea. It was slightly dangerous, slightly disastrous and might kill at least one person but it'd be fine. Probably.

Luna sat down, getting into meditation pose, putting her hands together, "Protect my body." Then she closed her eyes, ignoring her friends' protests and faded away. She felt like her body had floated up into the sky. Perfect.

She opened her eyes, exactly where she wanted to be. The spirit world. She stood up, stretching her legs. Then she started walking. She saw the huge panda from before run up.

She hopped on, "Take me to the spirit oasis."

She hopped off the panda, petting his head, "Thank you."

She turned, "Ina I need you now more than ever! Please come!"

She heard a whoosh, air blowing at her. She turned around, and saw Ina.

She explained her plan to Ina, "Are you sure about this, Luna? This is dangerous."

Luna nodded, "I'm ready."

Sokka turned to Luna's body, "When's she gonna be done with her spirit world adventures?"

Katara wiped more sweat, "I don't know. We just have to keep chopping these beams in case her plan doesn't work."

That's when Luna opened her eyes. Except they weren't the pale white-gray everyone knew.

They were all black. They glowed softly, and burned like a wildfire was in them.

She turned to the beam, letting out a small hum, "Let's hope this works- and that I don't accidentally kill someone."

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