16- Books and Knowledge

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After they arrived at Katara's place, they sat down inside the restaurant. Sokka started asking a professor named Zei for a new map.

Luna drank her watermelon juice.

It was really good, okay?

She hadn't had a break in a while and was not going to question a professor about maps right now. Right now, she was going to drink this juice and enjoy her life.

Sadly, she did not drink her juice.

She was now riding on Appa, looking for a library that knew everything. She was going to learn everything about the moon and ocean spirits.

They finally found this library. By now, Luna's heart was pounding out of her chest.

She loved reading a lot! Like more than normal a lot

. She wanted to know about everything.

She grabbed the bag sokka had bought a few weeks ago.

She hoisted it on her arm, running into the library. Not running, actually, but gliding with Aang. Let's just say both their faces were red.

Luna walked up to the owl, Wa Shi Tong, "I offer you my knowledge, great spirit."

She told him about the moon spirit, and caught him up to date on the latest news.

He thanked her for the knowledge. Specifically about her sister's death.

He said, smiling, "Tui, you may take anything you need, and may keep it."

She was confused about the name until she realized, Tui was the ocean spirit. She thanked him, walking off.

Luna grabbed some books, putting them in her bag.

She grabbed a book labeled, "Moon Spirits: Volume One." She grabbed Volume two, three, four, and five. She put them in her now heavy bag.

Suddenly the library started collapsing. She pulled out her small pouch of water, bending herself up and out.

She landed outside, to find Toph upset, Sokka frustrated, Katara trying to pull through, and Aang, angry- no furious.

She walked over to Aang, "What's wrong?"

Then she realized Appa was gone.

Katara explained what had happened to her.

Luna nodded, walking back to Aang, "I'm sorry about Appa. I'll help you find him-"

Aang turned, "I don't need your help!"

He walked off. Luna sighed. It hurt being dismissed like that. It reminded her of her father.


Luna walked up to her dad, "Can you play with me?"

Her dad shook her off, "I'm busy. Go do something else."

She walked off, sad.

Then she watched her sister walk up to her dad, "Can you play with me?"

Luna's dad smiled, "Of course dear!"

Luna looked down at the ground, tears forming in her eyes. Why did he love her more?

-End Flashback-

Luna sat down, curling up, the moon's rays shining bright onto her.

She was so tired. She was upset about how Aang had acted.

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