-Part 21-

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They both silently agreed to go back to their rooms to tell their friends and act like they didn't know. Aspen ran back to her room and hopped on her phone. The first and only person she could think of telling, was the one, the only Luna-Grey.





"This girl has got a boyfriend" Aspen said proudly

"NO WAY?!??"

"Yes way"

"Please say it's Mark"

"You bet your ass it is."


"Alright all right. So me and Mark, have known that we like eachother right. We were labeled as friends but we knew we were more. Friends don't cuddle eachother, friends don't snag secret kisses. That's something only couples do. Anyways that's been going on for a while, the kisses and what not, bacially since I broke up with Jack. But yeah, we just ate dinner and we went to his room. I knew the conversation was gonna happen eventually. He basically asked what we were and I told him what I just said and that I didn't want it to end up like Jack did. He promised not to hurt me, and If it didn't work out, then we'd still be friends, because he's my one and only. Then he like "officially" asked me out and kissed me because duh. And then we both ran off to tell our friends"

"OH. MY. GOD. GIRL THIS IS TOO GOOD! I love that, that is too fucking good. Are you happy?"


"Good now wanna say hi to the twins?"


Ranboo Called up all his close friends in discord. Meaning Tubbo, Philza, Tommy and Techno. "Hello hello? Are any of y'all streaming?" He opened with

"Nope" they all replied

"Good now your probably wonder why I have called you here today"

"Actually yeah" Techno spoke

"Well, you guys are my closest friends, and I have some big news"

"Go on" Tommy said

"I have a girlfriend."

"A GIRLFRIEND?" Tubbo said

"PLEASE TELL ME ITS ASPEN" Tommy questioned

"Yes it is Aspen. Aspen is my girlfriend now."

"Ayee congrats big man" Phil told him

"Now how exactly did this come up? And why now. It's such a random time" techno asked

"Well basically we weren't acting like just friends, and we both know we like eachother, ya da ya da. Uhh after dinner tonight I asked her what we are, more sappy stuff yada yada. Talked about it a lot and then I officially asked her out. Now we're here"

"I can't believe it" Tubbo said dramatically "my own husband cheating on me" the call erupted with laughter from this comment.

"Tubbo it's okay, Aspen won't take custody of Michael he's still ours"


"Ahh Tubbo what will I do with you"

"Have fun"

"That's true"

"Now make sure you treat this girl right Ranboo" Techno said

"And with kindness" phil added

"I will. I love that girl more than anything in the world."

"Good, now go get her, me and techno haven't met her yet." Phil said

"I'll go see" Mark left his room and went down the hall to see his now girlfriend on the phone. He waited in the doorway because it sounded like she was wrapping up with her cousin. After she got off the phone she looked over and jumped because she was shocked to see Mark in the doorway

"You scared me" she chuckled

"That wasn't exactly my plan. But Phil and Techno want to meet you. No one is streaming don't worry"

"I'm up for it" She hopped on Marks back and they entered the room. Mark had turned his facecam on so everyone on the call could see her.

"Techno, Phil, this is Aspen. Aspen this is Techno and Phil, and there's two other people in the call but their kinda lame"

"HEY" Tommy and Tubbo said

"Hiya everyone" She said

"So is our Ranboo treating you well" Techno asked

"Yes, he's been incredibly helpful these past couple months. My moms not the best person, long story short I have two twin brothers that she doesn't help take care of, she only had them because she thought it would help her not become an alcoholic. She's an alcoholic because I lost my dad 5 years ago, blah blah blah, she's in rehab now and I live here"

Techno and Phil stared in shock "Ranboo we like her, don't hurt her" Phil stated, to which the call erupted with laughter.

"Don't worry he's doing just fine" Aspen said.


The call ended a little later and Mark and Aspen went to her room to watch a movie. They cuddled up on the bed and was enjoying eachothers company.

"Mark, I'm really really happy your in my life. You just make it that much better, and I hope that you stay in my life for a long long time. Your just amazing"

"Aspen, I would love to stay in your life for a long long time. I'm happy your in my life, and you make my life just amazing"

He kissed her head and then her lips and held her close.

"I love you Mark"

"I love you too Aspen"

866 words
That's the end. Epilogue is coming up but yeah. I'm gonna end it here. I love you all.

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