-Part 15-

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Aspen was confused at first. She didn't think in a million years this would happen. She meets a perfect guy. They become best friends. She catches feelings. She fights with the guy. The guy saves her. The guy kisses her. All of the sudden the world melted away. The kiss was gentle. Way better then any of the Jack kisses. His were rough and forced. His was gentle. He pulled away quickly. Both his and Aspens cheeks red

"Wow" she said "I did not expect that. Especially after I was just a complete ass to you"

"It's like that old saying. 'Sometimes you have to let them touch the stove before they listen' for you. You needed to date Jack, before you could realize his antics. My words weren't getting through to you, so you had to learn the hard way. And as for that. My feelings have never changed Aspen. I still care about you. I still think you are perfect."

"So you do think I'm perfect?"

"Of course"

"Shit—" aspen said all of the sudden


"The twins!"

Mark had left the twins downstairs and who knows what they had gotten into. So they rushed downstairs and saw flour everywhere. And in the center of the mess. Was Arlow and Kade. The teenagers could help but laugh. They didn't feel like getting mad. They burst out laughing. The last thing they expected to happen after all of that is the twins getting into the flour. "Kade and Arlow Rayne! What did you guys do?"

"We wanted to bake a cake" Kade shrugged

"Yeah!" Arlow agreed.

"Alright then. Well Mark, let's go get these boys cleaned up, what do you say? Do you think they should fly?" Aspen said while raising an eyebrow

"FLY FLY" the toddlers yelled. Mark and Aspen scooped up the boys and "flew" them into the bathroom, started up a bath, and got the twins prepped for the bath. Aspen left Mark with the twins while she went to go clean the kitchen. She needed to clear her mind. So much has gone on she just needed a minute. She was a complete ass to Mark, and then he just kissed her. What does this mean? What are they? She didn't want another relationship at the moment. She had just gotten out of whatever that was with Jack. She never got a break. Her life was just going going going.

She wanted a break. A break from it all. She wanted to not have to worry about so many things. Her life was so overwhelming at the moment she couldn't take it. And before she knew it she was on the ground crying

"No" she spoke to herself "you cannot cry right now, not around the twins. And not around Mark" she tried so hard. She tried to stop the cascade to tears dripping down her face, but it was no use. The flour that she had yet to clean up had tears mixed in with it. She picked herself up and slowly started to clean up the flour. She hurried up when she heard footsteps coming from the stairs. It was Mark. Aspen wiped away her tears in hopes that mark wouldn't notice.

"Hey, just gonna grab some foo- Aspen are you alright?"

"What, ooh yeah I'm fine"

"You and I both know that's not true"

"Ughh, I hate that you can see right through me" She walked right over to Mark and threw herself into a hug. Mark quickly hugged her back and heard sniffles from his chest "I just want life to be simple" she stated. Mark rocked them back and forth. He started to cry too. He hated seeing aspen like this. He knew she had a rough couple weeks and he did too. So they both stood there and cried.

"Great now we're both emotional wrecks" she laughed

"Ooh god.."

They both started laughing and Mark kissed Aspens head. "Alright I'm ordering Pizza" she stated

"Yes please"

Aspen quickly ordered the pizza for delivery and went up to the twins room to see them peacefully playing with toys. Aspen sighed and flopped down on the yellow race car bed. Mark quickly followed and they both relaxed. Aspen fell asleep on Mark as she usually does and the twins decided to have some fun. They decided to pile toys on aspen without her noticing. Mark just chuckled softly and let it happen.

The doorbell rang and Mark went to go get it. But made sure not to wake Aspen, but just in case grabbed a photo before answering the door. He grabbed the pizza and saw aspen waking up.

She lifted her head and the toys came crashing down. "THE HECK?" she spoke as she woke up. Mark didn't say any words but just collapsed onto the floor dying with laughter.

"That was all the twins idea!" He laughed "I just let it happen"

"I— you—"

"Cmere you" he said while giving Aspen a head pat and a hug "foods here so let's get pizza"

Aspens eyes lit up and as Mark left the room Aspen jumped on his back he tumbled over and aspen fell on top of him. They laughed as per usual "OMG— Why do these things happen to us. Just all the time"

"We're just that funny"

"Yeah your right"

They quickly picked themselves and divided up the pizza between the 4 and ate peacefully. The twins were put to bed and Ranboo and Aspen chilled downstairs. It was still early so Aspens mom wasn't gonna home for a while.

"Ya know earlier whatever that kiss was?"

"Mhmm, ooh- right that"

"I liked it."

Mark let out a sigh of relief. "Ooh thank god"

"Yeah, maybe uhh, another one?"

"Mmm, your gonna have to prove yourself."

Aspen fake pouted and turned her body away from Ranboo. He pulled her back so that they were facing eachother and he pulled her in for a quick kiss.

"Thank you" she said while smiling

"Mmm okay"

Aspen sighed and sunk into Mark. She really liked him

1018 words
Yuh heheheheh
Make sure to drink water and eat food. I love you all. BYEEE

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