-Part 12-

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"You think I'm perfect"

Mark was drawn aback. He didn't know she was awake nonetheless listening. He didn't know what to say. His face blushed and he answered

"Well yeah. You are. Your funny, you kind. You are one of the most sincere people I have ever met. And you really are really really pretty."

Aspens face blushed. A lot. She hid her face into Marks chest. "You— Markus middle name Holland, I— you— umm ahh, your the perfect one. Like"

"Mmm your really the perfect one, but okay"

"No- we are not arguing. You are perfect and that's that"

"Whatever you only get that because you have pretty privilege"

Aspen laughed "you did not just make a DNF reference"

"Ooh is that where that came from hmmm" he said jokingly getting all up in her face. Aspen then bud her face into Ranboo once agian.

"You smell nice. I like your smell" aspen said with a muffled tone

Mark burst out laughing "ahh aspen, what would I do without you?"

"Not live" she replied.


They sat in silence for a couple minutes. A very popular occurrence for the two. They loved being able to cuddle and basically tune out the world. Each one of them knew that they themselves had feeling for the other one, but were oblivious to the fact that the other liked them. That's why they were so affectionate to one another.

"I have to go get the twins dont I?" Aspen asked

"Yeahhhh probably."

"I'm gonna have to see my mom though. I should just ask her to pick them up"

"Aspen, your gonna have to I'm sorry"

"Alright let's go"

Aspen went back to her empty house to grab her keys and she and Mark set off to the daycare.

A few hours later after the twins had been picked up aspen realized that she did not want to spend the night at her house and made the decision to ask Mark if she could spend the night.

"Mark?" She asked

"Aspen" he answered

"Is there any way possible I can spend the night at your house?" Aspen sounded really nervous while asking, as she didn't know the outcome.

"Of course"

Aspen let out a sigh of relief and hugged him "thank you"

Aspen gathered up stuff as she suspected her mom would be home soon. The twins were asleep, so she didn't have to worry too much.

[TW Drunken movements, yelling]

They waited for an hour later then expected when her mom came through the door. She stumbled in and she looked and smelled very drunk. She reeked of alcohol and her words were all slurred. She started to remember the terrible things that happened when her mom used to get drunk. She would yell at Aspen and become very dangerous. She never told anyone but she would sometimes get hit. She knew it wasn't gonna he safe for the twins so she thought quickly.

"Mark, go get the twins, grab them some clothes, and go to your house quickly, it's not gonna be safe here. I'll deal with my mom" She whispered to the tall boy. He obeyed and Aspen faced her mom.

"I'm spending the night at Marks" Aspen told her drunken mom

"The fuck your not" Her mom told her

"I didn't ask mom. I told"

"I will not have my daughter become a whoree and hookup with with some random guy"

"IM NOT A WHORE— MARK IS MY FREIND ALRIGHT? MY FRIEND. ITS NOT SAFE HERE. YOUR BEING UNREASONABLE AND IM LEAVING" that was the first time Aspen yelled at her mom. She was scared as to what would come next. And reasonably so. After she spoke her mom struck her across the face and yelled at her to get out of her house.

Aspen sprinted out of the house. Her plan had worked. Kinda. She talked to her mom and got the twins out of the house. She didn't expect to be called a whore or be slapped, but she didn't care, all that matters is that her brothers were safe.

She ran into Marks house and let out a sigh of relief as he was explaining to his mom what happened. Luckily she was very understanding, and offered to take care of the twins. She quickly explained to the drowsily tired twins what happened and what was going to happen and then her and Mark went up to his room. He had to stream so Aspen went to change in the bathroom and stayed quiet while her best friend was streaming.

His voice was very thereputic to the girl so as any reasonable person does, she fell asleep. And eventually Ranboo noticed this and quieted down a little. He got in a call with Tubbo during th stream and after explained to him a little of what happened

"So long story short her moms an ass, and got drunk. Wasn't safe at her house and she's sleeping at mine and so is her brothers."

"She is sleeping at your house?!?!" Tubbo whisper yelled


"Man— she likes you no doubt about it"

"I sure hope your right" and with that he is need the call. He got changed himself and then climbed into bed, carefully as to not wake up Aspen. He laid down awfully close to her, and as he fell asleep, they both ended up subconsciously cuddling eachother to sleep.

The next morning they woke up cuddling "ooh uhh sorry bout that" aspen muttered

"Ahah, yeah your good" Mark chuckled aquardly. They were both blushing like crazy, but got up none the less. They quickly got themselves ready, and Aspen gave Mrs. Holland, instructions on how to take care of the twins. She also called the daycare and told them they would not be attending today. The teens quickly got on the bus and to school, and rushed to their first class.

986 words
Shorter chapter. Shity mental health recently. Uploads might not be as often. But this chapter is quite something, there's definitely some more angst coming in the future so ye. Make sure you drink water and eat food. I love you all

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