-Part 13-

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//TW!! Manipulation and Yelling

After lunch, their next class was English. Aspen loved English. She loved the whole class. The teacher was nice, and the class was easy. This was the only class she wanted to participate in. This class was primarily boys, but she eventually got used to it.  They guys in the class were rather annoying, but there were a couple that she could stand. They came into class to see "New Seats!" written on the board. Aspen looked at Mark with terror in her eyes. She had been at the school barely a week and they were already getting new seats. She had no other friends. Mark sensed her anxiety so he had to assure her it was going to be okay "hey Aspen, your gonna be okay. I promise your going to meet new people and it's gonna be great."

"I hope so" Just then the teacher walked in and started assigning seats. So far neither Mark or aspen had been placed so there was still hope. Until Aspens name was called.

"Aspen Rayne, and Jack Wills" The teacher called out. Fear arose in Aspens eyes. She went to sit down at her new seat when the teacher called her over "Aspen I know your knew, and that you haven't met very many people, so this may be uncomfortable for you. But in want you to try this seat out and I can switch you back with Mark if things aren't going well" Aspen relaxed and went to go sit next to Jack.

"Hey, Aspen is it?" The Jack kid said

Aspen was surprised by his kindness "yeah" she replied sheepishly

"Well I'm Jack, nice to meet you"


The rest of the class went by rather smoothly and aspen and Jack actually got a long white well. They even exchanged numbers. The end of class came and Aspen went over to Mark. Mark looked relieved to see her. "Heyyyy how was your new seat" she said while playfully punching him

"Ughhh, this girl that I sit next to won't stop talking. Like no- I don't wanna hear your life story" Aspen laughed at this remark.

"Well that's, kinda hilarious— but not. No not funny" she tried to contain her laughter "I sit next to this Jack kid, he seems nice"

Mark grunted "yeah"

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, it's fine"

"Mark I'm your best friend tell meeee"

"Fine. When I did volleyball he definitely bullied me. He hated me because I was better than him. He wanted to make my life hell, and still does. But one day I got fed up with his antics and punched him. That's why everyone is scared of me now"

"Wow, I'm sorry. That doesn't seem like the Jack I met. He seems nice. I'm sure he's changed"

"I don't know Aspen, I'd be careful."

"Don't worry I'll be fine"

———Time Skip———

After School went like it usually did. Aspen and Mark hanging out. Taking care of the twins. Her mom came home sober, but aspen still wanted to avoid her. So as soon as Mark left Aspen went up to her room. Not even 5 seconds after she left, she got a FaceTime call from Jack. She was bored so she decided to answer it

"Hey" Jack said

Aspen was pretty aquard so she just. Responded a small "hey"

"What is uppp aspen"

"Not much, Mark just left and I just got up to my room"

"Ahh" Jack said with a tone in his voice "he's a bit annoying"

"No, and he's my friend, so stop"

"Alrighty. Anyways whatcha wanna talk about?"

"Idk, my life's kinda boring so what about you?"

They talked for a long time, and aspen really enjoyed his company. Aspen didn't know what Mark was talking about with Jack being mean. He seemed nice to her.

The next few days went along with aspen talking more and more with Jack. Mark was worried. He knew what he was doing. Jack was trying to turn Aspen against him. And he didn't like it. He was scared that Jack would hurt her. He didn't know what to do so he was forced to talk to her. They were hanging out at his house and he decided to rip off the bandaid.

"Aspen, I need to talk to you"


"Listen, Jack is not a good person. He's getting close to you to hurt you. To hurt me. He's always hated me, and at this point your the one thing I care about in this school. He want to take that away to make my life miserable. Just please stop talking to him"

"No! He's not a bad person. That was then, you don't know what your talking about."


"NO. Just stop. Weather you like it or not, he's my friend now. I'm aloud to have multiple friends"

"Aspen he's not your friend. He's doing this to hurt you."

"No he is my friend. I don't care what you say. Maybe he was right. Maybe you are a bad person"

"ASPEN!! I am not a bad person. He is manipulating you. He's gonna wrap you around his finger and then he's gonna hurt you. Just please"

"NO MARK! I am FRIENDS with him. You can't just tell me who I can or cannot be friend with."

"Aspen" Mark was crying at this point. He was just scared. Jack was already manipulating her. There was nothing he could do.

"No— I'm leaving. Bye" and with that she left. Mark was left crying in his room. He didn't know what to do anymore. He loved aspen. He didn't want anything bad to happen to her. He had no one to talk to anymore. His only friend was gone. He was left defenseless. All that was left for him to do was hope she made the right decision.

He didn't go to school the next day. And aspen didn't care. She was hanging out with Jack. Jack made aspen Believe she was one of them. The popular ones. But Jack had a plan.

"Hey Aspen" he said


"So I was thinking, you, me. Date. Tonight"

Aspen was taken aback. She needed something to take her mind of it. "Why not"

"Alright, if you enjoy it. How bout he my girlfriend?"

"Why not"

1050 words
This is paining me to write. Ahhh. God. Yeah. Again sorry for the wonky upload schedule. Mental health = bad. So yeah. Make sure you eat food and drink water. I love you all!!

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