-Part 1-

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(For the sake of the story they are all going to live in Rhode Island)


"Ummm not really"

"Ooh why?"

Aspen had been on the phone with her cousin Luna talking about her plans for the next couple days. Aspen and her family had moved two hours away from the city of Newport to the small town of Mayfield (not a real town, it's not real) Her mom had gotten a better job so she wanted to be closer to where it was gonna be. Aspen had been struggling recently, having to move schools and move two hours away from her favorite person, Luna. Luna was her 12 year old cousin who she loved to death.

"I don't know, I'm just not good at making friends. And besides, I like reading. Who's gonna be friends with the girl who likes to read for fun"

"I'm sure lots of people. Anybody would be lucky to be friends with you"

"Thanks, but not sure that's true" she said "new kids aren't usually the most popular."

"Well, I just know your gonna be"

"Thanks Luna, I'm gonna need this pep talk tomorrow"


"Alright, I have school tomorrow. So I'm gonna get some sleep. And I suggest you do too"

"Fine 'mom' whatever you say"

"Alright love you Luna-Grey"

"Love you too Aspen-Rayne"

Aspen hung up on her cousin and started to get herself ready for bed. She prepped her outfit for the next day, nothing to extravagant. Just what she normally wore. She then changed into her PJ's and went into the bathroom and did her skincare. She brushed her teeth and plopped down in her bed. She plugged in her phone and aimlessly scrolled through Tik Tok and Twitter. Nothing to special was happening so she put her phone away for the night.

Aspen was then left alone with her thoughts. If she was being honest, she was terrified for tomorrow. She was worried that she wouldn't find any friends and would be friendless. She had struggled a lot with friends in the past, and didn't want a repeat of any of that drama. She closed her eyes and tried to drown out her thoughts with the sound of white noise. Eventually all sound was lost and she drifted off to sleep

———The Next Day———

Aspen was awoken the next morning by the blaring sound of her alarm coming from her phone. She shut off her alarm and sat up in bed. She sat there for a solid minute before deciding to get up. She knew she couldn't be late for her first day. She walked over to where she prepared her outfit the night before and realized the weather wasn't exactly ideal for that look. She opted to throw on her lemon demon hoodie over the dress and teeshirt combination. She went over to her vanity to styler her chin length brown hair. She used her straightener to create a nice look and quickly did her makeup. She quickly realized she was gonna be late if she didn't leave, and shoved her stuff in her school bag. She rushed out the door and barely made the bus. She sat down across from a very tall, fluffy haired boy.

Aspen pulled out her phone and went to her message app

Morning Moon Bitch! On the bus now

Morning Ass! Good luck

Thanks, I'll need it

Luna 🌙
Nah you'll be good


🙄 you'll be fine smh

Lemon Demon// RanbooxOCOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz