-Part 18-

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It took a couple days but, they arranged everything, from the pick up, to custody. They agreed to have aspen stay at Marks house, but still be in charge of herself, while the twins would stay at her aunts and her aunt would take care of them. Her mom would need to stay for a couple months in rehab, as she was bad, but not too bad. In rehab she would get the therapy and help she needed, and should've gotten as soon as her husband died. The hard part was Aspens job. She had to get her mom to rehab. She had to tell her the plan. She had to explain to her mom what would happen. Mark would be their every step of the way, and workers from the rehab center would help safely transport her. Aspen was feeling all sorts of emotions. She was sad, she was happy, she was scared, she was angry. But she had Mark. He would be with her, to hold her hand when she got anxious.

The fateful day came. She had to brave herself and go into her house. She took a deep breath and opened the door. Her mom shouldn't be at work yet, so it was a good opportunity. Aspen had called her work to explain what's happening. In the house was a disaster. Aspen couldn't believe this was her house. There was bottles everywhere and the house reeked of alcohol. Chairs were flipped, lights flickered. Aspen shivered at the thought of her mom doing this to her room. But she still had to brave it. With the rehab people waiting outside she opened the door to her moms room, to see her passed out on the bed. Her moms room was in similar condition to the downstairs. Bottles thrown everywhere and the room a mess. Aspen gently shakes the body of her mother.

"Hey mom, wake up"

"Huh? What? Why the fuck are you waking me up?"

"Mom we need to talk"

"No- you don't talk to me I talk to you little shit"

"Mom this isn't like you, you've become an alcoholic. You never got the help you needed since dad died. You need help"

"No I don't, you dont decide what's good for me."

"Most of the time I don't, but in this case I do. Listen, your not yourself and your always drinking. It's not healthy. So I'm sending you to rehab."

"What? No. I'm fine"

"But your not. It's a very nice rehab center and the nice people are waiting outside."

"Ahh fuck this I'm leaving. AND FUCK YOU!"

Aspen let it happen. The only way out was through the front and the workers were waiting there. Aspen followed her mom out and into the trap of the workers. The workers were nice. They handled her gently and with kindness. Her mom called down and eventually gave in. Aspen said her goodbyes and had to turn away as the car that had her mom drove off. She shielded her face in Marks shoulder and sighed. Small tears streaked down her face.

"Aspen..." Mark said sympathetically "this is gonna be good for her, like really good."

"I know" she sniffed "it's hard though"

"I know. Let's go get some stuff from your room so you can set it up in the guest room."

"Alright" They went back inside and approached Aspens door. She braced herself as she opened the door to her room, to see it untouched. She let out a sigh of relief. She grabbed more of her things and packed them all up. Mark helped her pack up her iMac and after a little bit, most of the things she wanted were packed. She of course left stuff at the house, but she wouldn't go back often for 3 months.

Aspen and Mark loaded the boxes and suitcases into Marks car. The quick car ride lead them to Marks house, and Mark showed Aspen the way to the guest room. She walked in her room and was greeted by Marks sister. Gracie came up and hugged Aspen. Marks parents had informed Gracie on the situation and Gracie wanted to be helpful.

"Hi Gracie"

"Aspen I'm exited your staying with us!"

"I am too. It was either here or home alone"

"Can I help with your room?"


Aspen, Mark and Gracie spent the next hour and half setting up Aspens room the way she wanted. Marks mom went out to buy some simple things, like Plants and LED lights, which Mark told her to buy. Mark set up the iMac, but sighed.


"This is a trash computer I'm just saying

"Alright Mr. RanbooLive, not everyone can have a PC that runs at 1,000,00 frames per second."

"I should get you a real PC"

"Be my guest. But I like my iMac."

"I just won't get a new monitor. Just the PC part"

"Do whatever I don't care"

Aspen flopped on her new bed and was followed by Mark flopping down as well.

"Welcome home" he said, while giving her a kiss on the head

"Home, I like that"

860 words
Shorter but important chapter today. I have no idea how rehab and stuff works so that's how I'm doing it. Yuh. Make sure you drink water and eat food. I love you all



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