Everyone turned to see me in a position not bent and also not quite straight.

I looked like a slow motion dancer asked to freeze.
I widened my eyes in terror and did the only thing my mind was screaming.... "Run!!!"
I took off, FAST.

Everyone seemed to be frozen in shock for a second before realization set in and I had a hundred and something people on my heels in no time.

I kept running
At least that was what I thought I was doing.

Running on a spot

I realized I had been lifted by  someone I recognized as a a distant cousin.

What right did he have to touch me?!

"Put me down!!", I struggled frantically against his strong grip.

"Hold still lil cousin."

"Else what? Drag me to my mum's feet?!", I huffed.

"Else I'd be forced to touch places considered haram even for a mahram like me", he whispered quietly into my ears and something about his cold voice made me conclude he wasn't bluffing.

I piped down immediately.

"Good girl."

"Oh shut up"

He chuckled drily, "Why do I feel pity for the man you are about to get wedded to?"

Before could  make up a retort about it being none of his business, he dropped me on my feet in the middle of the gathering.

With my head bent, Ummi's next sentence shocked me.
More like it choked me.

"Our Iyawo (Our bride) is shy. She's not used to being the center of attraction. E ma binu." (Please don't get mad).

I snapped my head up fast, about to retort when a look from her made me swallow my protest.

"We understand our in-law", someone I assumed to be the groom's mother from the way she was dressed said with a reassuring smile.

While the MC picked off where he left, I scanned the surroundings.
Everyone I knew from my parents sides were present.
The groom's side also turned out to house a lot of guests.

No escape.
No fun.
No happiness.
No nothing.

The couple's tent was designed exclusively with a curtain-like entrance shielding a clear view of the groom's face.
From what I could make out, he was dressed in clothes similar to mine.
I couldn't read the expression on his face though.

Oh well. What's that popular saying these days?
We move. 


Maher Zain's ' For the rest of my life '  boomed from the speakers as I slowly made my way towards the tent, my bridal train in tow.
I guess we were doing this for real.

Parting the curtains aside, I looked up from my veil to behold one of the most beautiful men I ever set my eyes upon.
I said beautiful.
I know.
Don't argue.

Yes, beautiful.
I'm not really good at describing things or people.
I sha know he's fine.

Maybe just perhaps I'd go into details of his features later.

I took my place at his side.

We were left alone.


More Silence.


I wasn't interested in making a conversation though.
But but but it would be nice if HE made an attempt at a conversation wouldn't it?
It's not ladies first in this situation abeg.
This lady is not even interested one bit.

I glanced up to steal a glance at him only to discover he was staring at me.
Caught in the act.
He smiled.
God even his smile so warmmmm. Like hot milk.

You're in trouble Tish.


He finally said something.
Okay okay act stern Tee.

"Walaykum salaam warahmatullah", I replied curtly, trying so hard to keep myself from squealing.

"I'm Mus'ab. You're Teemah right?"


"I beg your pardon??",I voiced in part shock.

My husband doesn't know my name. He freaking doesn't know my name!!!!

He looked confused for a moment before understanding.

"Um it's Teemah is it?"

I raised my left brow beneath my veil in response while he scratched his head in a boyish manner.

"Okay okay I've gotten it....Tee-a-ra-h?"

I growled.

This was who I was supposed to get married to??!!
Someone who doesn't even know my name??!!!

"It's Tisha", I offered in a not so friendly voice.

"Tee-sha", I repeated in case he didn't hear well the first time.

"Um can I get that in spelling??"

I face-palmed myself mentally.

Where was a baseball bat when you needed one??

"T-i-s-h-a. We good?", I said with gritted teeth. 

"Yes yes sure yes."

There was a little silence before he tried to make an attempt at another conversation.

"Well it's nice to finally meet you in like, forever."

"Like wise", I replied flatly.
There was no iota of niceness in this situation. I was the victim here for crying out loud!

He smiled slyly, "You don't seem comfortable, not with the stunt you tried to pull earlier."

I gulped.

" You-you saw that?? "
Grinning widely he replied, "Yes of course. I must admit, you run pretty fast Lee."

I frowned at him WHICH was totally useless considering the fact that he couldn't see my entire face except for my eyes.
"Tee", I corrected.

He raised his hands up in mock surrender, "Okay okay. You're feisty."

Pen down😚

Don't forget to follow me here @ Abby_Starlight

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