You stared at Toby, shocked into silence as his words processed in your mind.

"The fuck?!" Was all you could say until your brain quickly caught up, "I don't need your permission, Toby. If you're going to keep me in this mansion you could at least give me a shred of freedom! I don't belong to you, it's not your place t-"

"Y-yes it is!" Toby interrupted you, his tone changing immediately, "I've kept you alive this entire time, you would've died without me! I got you food, I made sure you were safe, I even got you random shit from your apartment!"

You felt a falling feeling in your entire body as Toby took a step towards you, his eyes flashing behind his goggles.

"Don't you see? You don't need anyone but me. Everyone else wants to hurt you, Y/N. N-N-Nobody loves you like I do. Nobody will e-ever love you like I do!" Toby grabbed you by your shoulders and yanked you towards him, his face twitching and contorting behind his goggles and mask.
"Do I have to lock you in your room forever? Is that the only way you'll understand?! How about I just take your key and leave your door unlocked, hm? Let's see who saves you the-"

A huge thump accompanied with a cracking sound interrupted him. You didn't realise what you had done until Toby staggered back into the wall. Your hand was curled into a fist, and Toby groaned and twitched aggressively as he clutched his face, one of his goggle lenses cracked. Turning your attention to the door, you saw Dr. Smiley stood in the doorway calmly, and Hoodie slowly walked in beside him.

"I-" you began, and Dr. Smiley put his finger to his mask, and you fell silent.

"No need to apologise, Y/N." He said softly.

"I wasn't going to." You met his eyes as he seemed pleasantly surprised. You uncurled your hand, and felt a shooting feeling run up it.

"This hurts like a motherfucker" you thought painfully, but attempted to play it off and folded your arms casually.

Toby, still clutching his face and twitching uncontrollably, looked up at you with hell in his eyes. He attempted to speak, but your sudden defence threw him into a tic attack.

"Shut it." Hoodie suddenly said in a monotone voice, snapping his head to look at Toby. Toby immediately shrank into himself, still twitching and joints cracking. You looked down at him, almost sneering at how scorned he appeared.

"Not such a big guy now," you thought to yourself.

Hoodie approached Toby and held his hand out, then snapped his fingers angrily when he didn't respond quick enough. Toby pressed your key into his hand.
Turning, Hoodie approached you and took your hand, then put your key into your palm and closed your fingers around it. Confused as to why he didnt just give it to you, you flushed slightly. He paused, his mask concealing his face, but you felt the intensity between the two of you that you recognised as a stare. Then he quickly turned and grabbed Toby by the hood.

"Move it." He commanded, and Toby stood up straight and stumbled as Hoodie pushed him, and the two proxies left. Toby didn't even try to look at you.

Dr. Smiley slowly shut the door behind them, then paused. Suddenly, he laughed slightly, putting his head in his palm.

"Apologies, Y/N, I'm sure that was a distressing situation for you. I just can't help but find Toby's reaction to your... self defense humorous. You would expect after all the scraps you've gotten in so far he would know you don't mess around when it comes to your safety." Dr. Smiley approached you and handed you a white bag. You couldn't help but snicker at his words.

"He's a bit of a pussy when it comes to Hoodie, huh? He looked like a child that got told off." You responded.

"Ah, well that's because Hoodie is the most dangerous out of him and Masky. Masky is more in the moment, more of the brawl type of person. But Hoodie, he's smart. He destroys someone slowly through mind games before taking it physical." Dr. Smiley explained, and you listened, finding yourself oddly interested.

"I do get the vibe he's more dangerous than Masky. He gives off a different energy." You agreed.

"I suppose you could say it like that. Now, take your antibiotics with your breakfast and with your dinner, always with at least a bit of food, alright?" Dr. Smiley looked around, "Which I guess Toby won't be supplying anymore... i'll sort something out for you, love." Dr. Smiley turned back to you, then brushed some of your (H/T) hair out of your face and lifted your chin, "you really do surprise me every time we meet."

Your face flushed, and Dr. Smiley's eyes glinted slightly as he retracted his hand.

"I should be going now. Remember, morning and night, with food." Dr. Smiley then took two steps back, his eyes still on you, then he turned properly and walked out.

Blinking at the rollercoaster that just occurred, you hurried to your door and shut it, quickly locking it. Putting the key back around your neck on it's string, you leant on your door and sighed, closing your eyes.

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