"You did it!" Lennox exclaimed, walking over opening the drivers side door. He lightly shut it so I could transform.

"Sick wheels kid." Dino commented, I looked over at my dad who had no facial expression. But I could tell he was proud of me.

"Lennox, Sam is here. He wants to speak to you." A solider said.

"Alright. Scarlet I need you to transform back into your human form and get in your room."

"Fine." I sighed, doing as I was told. I walked over to the door just as Sam entered. Crouching down by Ratchet, I looked across the room at all the military personal that walked in.

"Lennox, my coworker was saying something about the dark side, the dark side of the moon." Sam said, tapping Ironhides hood. He walked up the stairs as a lady walked towards him.

"Ratchet what's going on?" I whispered, seeing Him talking to her.

"You are suppose to be in your room, are you not?" He told me, as the lady looked in my direction.

"What is a Teenager doing on the premises!" She yelled, walking down the stairs with papers in her hand. "Kid wait!"

I ran until I was in the middle of the base. "Hold on!" I yelled, only to have her men corral me. They switched out there guns pointing then at me. The symbols on my arms glowed, showing that I was different.

"What is the meaning of this." She stared at me.

"I would advise holding your fire. You wouldn't want to shoot the daughter of a prime. Now would we?" Que said wisely, as the men held back their fire.

"What is going on here?!" She argued, walking closer to me. "You need to come with me right now." As she did a giant metal hand blocked her.

"Taking my daughter, is a bad move."

"Your daughter? She's a human!" She mocked, only making me mad.

I let myself transform, but I couldn't. It was like I was block by something or someone. "Scar, what are you doing out here, I thought I said. . ."

"Lennox, can you explain to me why there is a 13 year old. . ."

"14, ma'am" I corrected her.

"Don't call me Ma'am," She stated. "Now Lennox would you like to explain to me why there is a 14 year old girl in this top secret facility!" She stressed, pointing at me. I stepped back a little more, hoping to make an escape plan.
"Umm, about that. . . See Scarlet here, she is with me. I found her in a burning building. She has the symbols of the Autobots so Optimus took her under his wing for awhile." Lennox explained, taking a hold of my hand.

"Lennox we do not give authorisation to 14 year old girls." She explained, " I want her paperwork on my desk by this afternoon." With that she tuned away.

"I'm going to go check on the reports, now stay out of trouble. Okay, Scar?" He said walking over to his men. I took my orders and walked over to the entrance of the hanger. Military vehicles were going in and out.

"So I've seen a great opportunity in your eyes, young one. You are like your father in many ways." The steady deep voice of Sentinel Prime told me. "On Cybertron you would be in training and looked highly upon."

"Cybertron, is nothing but an abandon planet, earth is our home now." I said, facing him.

"You say that in that form but you are no human on this planet. "

"Sentinel." My dads voice said making sentinel walk over. Wonder what he wants? I went back to the entrance of the hanger seeing Sentinel and Optimus drive out.

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