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I can't believe this story is finally finished.

When I first started The Will To Live, it was admittedly on a bit of a whim. It originally grew from the fact that I really love The Long Dark, and I wanted to write a fan fiction for it. However, after thinking about it for quite awhile, I determined that I didn't love the game enough to make it work. So I did the next best thing: write a fan fiction that had the vibes of The Long Dark, but in Halo.

I already had a narrative pillar in my Shared Classic Halo Universe revolving around a group of characters who fought Flood, so I figured this could double as the origin story for that.

I'm writing this immediately after finishing the editing of the Epilogue, so I probably feel worse about it than I will in, say, six months. But oh my God, I largely regret starting this title. It was a twisted, miserable path to get to this Afterword.

I'm honestly not sure why I had as much trouble writing this as I did, you'd think it would be right up my alley. It's Sci-Fi/Horror set in the Halo universe on a frozen planet with the Flood as the bad guys. But man, I got sick of this story many times over.

Consequently it took two years and three months to finish when honestly I should've had it wrapped up in less than a year. And that was after trimming it a bit. In my original vision, each part was going to be as long as the first one. Honestly, if people hadn't reacted to it as well as they had, I would've just abandoned it halfway through.

Sorry if this isn't what you want to hear, I'm in a bad place right now mentally. Then again, I imagine a lot of us are. The only solace I guess I have to take is that I finished it, and maybe it made people happy, or at least passed the time.

Regardless of all that, Greg and Izzy will return at some point in the future. They are the third narrative pillar in this Classic Halo Universe, the primary one being Alex Steele from Nerves of Steele, the other one being Kane from Gathering Darkness. They'll all mix and mingle at one point or another.

Thanks for reading.

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