chapter 11: embarrassed

Start from the beginning

"Juliette why did you quit tennis? You were so good." My mothers says sipping on her drink once the woman she was just speaking to left. "I have tennis elbow, the doctor recommended some time away and the pain hasn't even gotten better yet." I tell her calmly even though anger was bubbling up in me. She was with me when the doctor told us this. She knows why. She should at least. She told the doctor that she'll keep a close eye on her "baby." I shouldn't get upset but we were only just at the doctors.

"I think it is just a terrible excuse because you're lazy." She snaps at me before the waiter returns with another margarita for her and a pitcher to fill up my water for me.

"If you want, I can start up again." My voice weakens. I don't know why she wants me to do a sport that will only hurt me but if that'll make her happy then I'll be happy to do it.

"That is a great idea, sweetheart!" Now her voice moves to cheery tone as she sips her margarita again. I can feel the warmth of her love flow into my body. I made her happy. That's all I have ever wanted.


*Present day.

When I awake my right elbow has shooting pains going to my wrist and fingers and up to my shoulder and neck. I never got to let my tennis elbow rest until it went away and my mother ended up pushing me continuously for 3 more years until my tendon just popped. It hurt so fucking bad. To this day I still have the most insane pains because of it.

I don't dare move from bed since Harry is wrapped around me like a monkey but his heavy arm is resting right on my elbow, the spot where all my pain was stemming from. I have tried to move it without waking him but his arm would fling back over on top of me making the pain grow even worst.

I begin to move around a bit to wiggle out of his grasp but he wakes up with my movement. I didn't want to wake him up since he has such a rough night. He won't admit it but he was plagued with insecurity. Money is a bit of a sore spot for him, I guess. He makes a good amount at the shop and living in Laguna is such a demand for money, there is no reason to feel insecure if you can't buy whatever you want whenever.

I think this was just the tipping point though. When we were shopping he looked nervous about the clothing prices, that's why I paid. Granted, he did get a bit upset because he didn't want me to use my money on him so he used the "I'm the man" card to try to have some hold on the situation but I could tell he wasn't upset about me paying, it was something more. Stephanie bringing up that she was embarrassed by him working at the surf shop I think just set his insecurities over the edge. He mentioned how he always knew deep down that she was always embarrassed by him during their spat but I think her confirming it made it all the worst.

Harry brings his arms off of me and I quickly move to my back so he can't go to his original position.

"Good morning, my love." He sends me a sleepy smile with his eyes closed as he drifts back to a sleep state. "Good morning, baby. Are you going to the shop today?" I ask him trying not to let my voice falter when the pain shoots in every direction.

"Uhm yeah I have a board I need to finish up by tonight so I should probably start getting up right now." He sighs and moves his way out of bed. He gets himself dressed in a pair of yellow swim trunks and an old white t-shirt before walking over to the bathroom to get ready, I assume breathing his teeth, putting on deodorant, yadda yadda yadda.

As he gets ready to go, I try to get myself up without making a noise despite the pain that is now going through the right side of my body.

I quickly dress myself in a pair of black leggings and an worn oversized green t-shirt with white chunky shoes, something comfortable. It was a little overcast today and a lot cooler than a normal summer day with lots of wind blowing so Mitchs shop will probably be slow today so Harry will have peace to work on what he needs to do. But I on the other hand am gonna go to the clinic a couple blocks away so I can get some pain medicine.

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