"Alright, Natsu." Karissa glanced over her shoulder to make sure he wasn't looking like he was going to puke. Flying should be no problem since he was comfortable flying with Happy. "Can you track down Erza with your nose?"

Natsu was standing on the wind that rapidly rotated below his feet as he carried his unconscious allies. He closed his eyes and sniffed the air until he just frowned in annoyance. "The smell from those black trees are blocking the scents I know."

"Ugh, great. Nirvana's blocking your sense of smell." Karissa groaned. She scratched the back of her head while her hair flew from the wind. Natsu then slumped when his face looked queasy.

"I... feel sick."

"Natsu!" Karissa patted his back to try and ease his nausea even though she knew it was futile. "Wind isn't a vehicle! It's literally a force of nature!. So don't think about it!"

The pink haired mage just slumped against her back with a moan, he forced himself to keep himself upright while he leaned on her. Karissa was kind of anxious about the possibility of him puking on her.

"Okay, um... let's see... we should just keep moving this way and maybe you'll be able to smell Lucy and Erza or something if we pass them by. I'm hoping that the closer we get the more you'll be able to smell them better. Think it'll work?"

He only groaned in response.

While they flew, she and Natsu were keeping an attentive eye out just in case something flew out of the trees and attacked them. They didn't need anything stopping them right now.

"Natsu-kun, Karissa-san, can you hear me?"

Karissa stopped moving and kept them airborne when Hibiki's voice suddenly rang through her head. That was odd. Telepathy?

"That voice...!" Natsu's head shifted on her shoulder.

"It's me. Hibiki, from Blue Pegasus. Thank goodness. I was getting worried for not being able to contact anyone."

"Where... are you?" Natsu spoke a little louder, still trying to spot Hibiki from where they were in the air.

"Stay quiet. One of our enemies has incredibly good hearing. It's possible that he can hear every word we say so I'm going to speak directly into your minds."

"We have Wendy. We need to find Erza." Karissa said softly. "Can you help?"

"Excellent, and yes I can. I will upload a map leading to us to your head. Get here as quick as you can."

"Huh? A map? Wait, what does that mean?" Natsu looked at Karissa curiously who just shrugged at him. Then a whole map appeared in their heads which gave them the route to Erza's location. Karissa was impressed with Hibiki's archive magic, she didn't think it could be used that way.

Karissa grinned and turned to face forward. "This'll be a fast ride, Natsu, just a heads up."

"Huh? What do—" Natsu's question was cut off when they suddenly dived down. He screamed when they nearly hit the ground just before she pulled them up and started flying them through the forest at full speed. He probably got hit by a branch or two, he couldn't tell. They were moving so fast that even dark guilds who were stationed nearby was left confused when the leaves swayed behind them.

It only took a two minutes for Karissa to reach her destination.

Hibiki, who was keeping track of Karissa and Natsu, still had to duck and flinch when Karissa skidded to a stop near Lucy, who all but screamed in fright.

Natsu gently lowered Wendy and the two cats before dropping on his knees, he was trying to get a hold of himself after that whole rollercoaster ride.

【Re:Freezing】 |  Gray Fullbuster x OCWhere stories live. Discover now