5. A Guild In A Foreign Kingdom

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It took them five days for them to complete their journey to Fiore. This time, they were able to afford the train and shorten the traveling time thanks to Ur's help.

During the whole trip, Karissa was able to see so many new things from behind a glass window. She saw several creatures she never saw before. She saw a lot of four-legged animals but the thing she remembered clearly was the weird family of jelly monsters just hopping away together. She nearly asked her sister if they could stop to observe them closely.

Whenever they stopped to catch a new train, Pandora had to keep a close eye on her little sister since she kept trying to look around the unknown area. Van was the one who had to go fetch her and drag her back when the train was a minute away from arriving. They couldn't blame her for wandering off with her own curiosity, she couldn't really do anything on the train aside from drawing and talking. After that, she'd end up wanting to walk around the train to find something interesting to do.

They were once able to keep her busy by showing her a photo album that they were able to salvage. Not all the pictures were inside since they had fallen out and some were a bit damaged since they found them out of the album. Pandora and Van were also able to salvage some personal items that they wanted to keep, it wasn't much but it was better than nothing.

Karissa also used the commuting time as an opportunity to show her siblings what she learned with Ur. She chose to do something easy and created small stars. They couldn't believe their eyes when they saw it the first time.

It was the first time any of them learned magic. Seeing her magic up close made them feel excited about learning magic themselves. Since they were planning on joining a magical guild, they might as well play the part too.

Pandora mentioned once that their parents told her that, just like them, they had the affinity to magic, giving them a chance to learn if they so wished it. Pandora and Van occasionally felt magic power but they just never took the opportunity to train themselves and learn magic since they never needed it.

Van was actually able to use magic for a brief moment when they were waiting for their train. He had asked Karissa how she was able summon magic in the first place since he was bored. She just gave him the basics on how to feel magic power inside of him so he could use it. He was confident that nothing would come out of him but he still tried anyway.

But then Pandora, Van and Karissa screamed simultaneously when the pavement suddenly cracked under his foot.

Whenever it was time to sleep on the train, Karissa had asked for her stuffed animal that they kept after finding her bag. She slept in her sister's lap who just leaned her head against the window while mindlessly playing with her sister's hair, a gesture that easily made the younger girl feel sleepy. Van had the privilege of hogging all the space on the seats in front of them by lying down. The three of them slept with the blankets that the train's staff gave them.

When they finally arrived in Fiore, five days had passed. They stopped in a town called Clover. From there, they asked for directions in order to find the guild Fairy Tail. It was located in a town Magnolia. Karissa learned from her sister that Magnolia was a type of flower. They took a train from Clover that brought them all the way to the town of Magnolia.




Karissa watched the other children her each run around in the streets happily. The atmosphere in the town was just as peaceful as the town at the bottom of the mountain where Ur lived atop. However, Magnolia was brighter and more colorful, it was probably because there was more nature around due to the lack of snow. They walked further into the town and came across a large cathedral.

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