Step 9: Motivation

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" It is a long way,
but it is worth it."

I'm well aware that this seems like it so much to ask for and nearly impossible to be made.

I'm talking about this book. I have made points that will be a real deal for your future life.

But remember why you clicked on this book and stayed for answers to your questions.

Whenever you feel like backing out of your character, remember that it's not bad at all

Sometimes we have to be offensive but in the most classy and professional way. That is a bigger insult to the one who shits on you with vulgar words.

No matter the situation, never let your emotions over power your intelligence.

There will be haters around you and they'd do anything to tear your reputation and patience down.

Don't give in. They're just testing  you and try to take the best out of you.

I know you can face people with pride and humbleness my dear gentlemen.

So keep working hard and stay motivated.

Achieve the hardest task may it be from work, studies or attitude.

You are your own boss.

Become that person you've always wanted to be and be an inspiration for the younger generation.

That's what makes a man.

Be dominant, fearful and humble at the same time.

That's what makes a Gentleman.

You don't have to have the highest number of people in your life, when you are striving for success.

Work hard and show them that it can be done in your own way.

I figured that younger people feel like being famous though social media and by a group of people is a must.

But I'm here to tell you that, having a lot of followers on Instagram, for instance, is just like winning in Monopoly.

As you can tell, it's clearly meaningless.

Create something with hard determination, productivity and worth a recognition instead.

That's what people fail nowadays.

Don't look for the easy way out, challenge yourself instead.

That way you can look back to what you have achieved through the hard work and stay motivated/ hungry for more.

Life is short, so make it meaningful and legendary for people to learn from.

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